CPF pipe, I believe it is an Oxblood stained meerschaum. Nice CPF bulldog, rigmedic.
pitchfork Lifer May 25, 2012 4,030 611 Sep 23, 2016 #61 CPF pipe, I believe it is an Oxblood stained meerschaum. Click to expand... Nice CPF bulldog, rigmedic.
CPF pipe, I believe it is an Oxblood stained meerschaum. Click to expand... Nice CPF bulldog, rigmedic.
ashdigger Lifer Jul 30, 2016 11,391 70,257 61 Vegas Baby!!! Sep 23, 2016 #62 I've been smoking this CPF for about a week. Gotta get it on the bench this weekend.
simong Lifer Oct 13, 2015 2,747 16,605 UK Sep 23, 2016 #63 My great grandads meershaum calabash. From the 1890s, father to son, from them to me. Wish I could post a photo, but I only have an I-pad, can't get it to happen. If anyone knows how, please let me know. Cheers, Simon.
My great grandads meershaum calabash. From the 1890s, father to son, from them to me. Wish I could post a photo, but I only have an I-pad, can't get it to happen. If anyone knows how, please let me know. Cheers, Simon.
weezell Lifer Oct 12, 2011 13,653 49,174 Sep 23, 2016 #64 My most smoked are probably at the 100 year mark. This is a few...
ashdigger Lifer Jul 30, 2016 11,391 70,257 61 Vegas Baby!!! Sep 23, 2016 #65 Very nice Weezell, it's obvious Simon has you in his spell.
weezell Lifer Oct 12, 2011 13,653 49,174 Sep 23, 2016 #66 It's not a spell..It's a sickness... :twisted:
anthonyrosenthal74 Lifer Jan 8, 2013 7,619 2,118 Sep 23, 2016 #67 So many beautiful pipes! Sable, that Barling, wow!
condorlover1 Lifer Dec 22, 2013 8,659 31,177 New York Sep 24, 2016 #68 I dunno friends these damn pipes just keep speaking to me!
foggymountain Lifer Aug 14, 2012 2,872 130 Sep 26, 2016 #69 A Wilke bent apple. Bought it new in 1957 or 58. The only pipe I have left from the 20th century.
dottiewarden Lifer Mar 25, 2014 3,053 58 Toronto Sep 26, 2016 #70 The oldest pipe my girlfriend smokes is mine, a pristine 58 Canadian!
pagan Lifer May 6, 2016 5,963 29 West Texas Sep 26, 2016 #71 A friend from work that comes by some weekends dated my Orlik Cutty to around 1930 ish, I was surprised, 85 yo ?
A friend from work that comes by some weekends dated my Orlik Cutty to around 1930 ish, I was surprised, 85 yo ?
blendtobac Lifer Oct 16, 2009 1,237 217 Sep 26, 2016 #72 A Sovereign small Liverpool (GBD sub-brand), probably from 1930 or earlier due to the round orifice at the button. It was a gift from Mel Feldman that I reserve for Virginia blends. Russ
A Sovereign small Liverpool (GBD sub-brand), probably from 1930 or earlier due to the round orifice at the button. It was a gift from Mel Feldman that I reserve for Virginia blends. Russ
Sjmiller CPG (sjmiller) May 8, 2015 544 1,018 57 Morgan County, Tennessee Sep 26, 2016 #73 KB&B bent billiard with Bakelite stem from around 1919.
samcoffeeman Can't Leave Apr 6, 2015 440 5 Sep 26, 2016 #74 My Dad's birth year. Only one I can be sure of the age, others might be older but prob around the same. 1930 Dunhill's Shell
My Dad's birth year. Only one I can be sure of the age, others might be older but prob around the same. 1930 Dunhill's Shell
pitchfork Lifer May 25, 2012 4,030 611 Sep 26, 2016 #75 Incredible blast, samcoffeeman. Dunhill doesn't make them like that anymore (but Ashton sometimes does).
Incredible blast, samcoffeeman. Dunhill doesn't make them like that anymore (but Ashton sometimes does).
michail Starting to Get Obsessed May 7, 2015 114 337 Paros, Greece Sep 27, 2016 #76 A Peterson 1932 tapered bulldog, usually with Capstan Yellow.
puffermark Might Stick Around Feb 24, 2015 99 46 37 www.viagrasansordonnancefr.com Sep 30, 2016 #77 Probably this 1932 Loewe & Co. Harley. I also have a 1924 Loewe, but it pretty over-reamed, and doesn't get smoked.
Probably this 1932 Loewe & Co. Harley. I also have a 1924 Loewe, but it pretty over-reamed, and doesn't get smoked.