First off, many thanks to snowyowl for sending me a sample to smoke. The sample was of the James B Russel version of Bengal Slices, which was made by A & C Peterson, and which differs from the original Sobrainie version.
The flake had a nice amount of bloom, and though dry, wasn't by any means dried out. It was at the optimum moisture for smoking. Bengal Slices always reminds me of good barbeque, smoky, spicy, sweet, and tangy. In that respect, the sample did not disappoint. The Latakia was still present, though much reduced in strength from fresh. This wasn't a bad thing, as the lessened Latakia allowed the savory Orientals and other components to carry more of the flavor. Added to this was a tanginess that reminded me of red Virginia, though I don't know that any red was used in the blend.
Altogether this was a very pleasant smoke and I was happy to make its acquaintance again. The new SToP version hits all of the notes, including that "good barbeque" flavor, and won't break your pocket book. Russ did an excellent job of matching the Russel version.