OK who is Haja?

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Feb 28, 2014
He really loved his Peterson 'sport' pipe, man that one was the tits in his eyes. He would bait unsuspecting folks in with what they thought of X pipe or Y lighter, then proceed to tell you why your opinion was wrong and why Peterson 'sport' pipes and Chinese disposable lighters trump all others. The anti-Semitic comments were just strange and came out of left field, IIRC.



Dec 14, 2013
Good ‘ol haja! Here is the last PM he sent me on 10/01/2014
hi, try rubbing some dead sea salt at your ass. The israel salt is better for this application.
He was also great at posting photos of pipes from dealers (usually from Smokingpipes) and claiming that those were the pipes he owned. Actually, I seriously doubt he ever laid a hand on a pipe much less having smoked one. As woodsroad pointed out, he was obsessed with purchasing cheap Chinese lighters hand over fist and then posting pictures of them, but never any pictures that he took himself. He was one hell of a character until he started posting his anti-Semitic remarks, which more likely than not, was the cause of his getting ousted from here and now joins the ranks of persona non grata along with starcat.



Feb 21, 2013
I'm glad I missed the anti-Semitism theme. Haja and I actually had some rational civilized exchanges, don't know how. Seems we tend to remember the more sensational and rowdy folks and not always the hard-working water carriers who come up with information and knowledge on a regular basis. I try to keep track of the hard workers and acknowledge them, though along with everyone else, I often turn toward the noise.



Can't Leave
Aug 18, 2014
Sounds like a interesting person. I have come to realize in life that even those who are outside of the communal norm are still very much a part of it. There seems to be a little Haj in all of us one way or another. 8)

Jan 8, 2013
I will try my best Haja impression....... I'll leave out the antisemitic remarks and replace them with anti-space alien remarks.
Hi all you those who smoke on a pipe. ( I think I'm off to a good start :D ) I have many best of lighter for the smoke of pipe. I collect only the best of lighter for use of pipe and smoke. This lighter number one of all lighter of all the world. Nothing else good as this the best of. I have many. Expensive lighter no good for smoke of pipe. They are good only for the sand wiping of butt martians and plutonians. Use martian sea sand of salt on butt if you no agree that this lighter is tops and second to none. Only lighter I use of I have many.

I shocked even myself with that one, and I'm deeply offended by the anti space alien rhetoric I spouted.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2014
I for one missed Haja's time by a bit. It looked like fun. Haja's user number is 11566. He is currently credited with 109 posts although I can tell that there has been substantial deleting of his comments within threads but some still linger thankfully.




Apparently Haja once said, "this is the worst forum I came across, with many bad behaviour guys, I suspect a lot of old guys here. don't think to much, heaven is coming soon.....cheers"
While I disagree with his take on PM members, through my tracking down Haja' not-so-fogotten footprints I came across many user now fated to the dreaded "Anonymous Unregistered" death ray of finality. Some of whom I had the true pleasure of speaking with both on the forum floor and through private message and email. They are so memorable that despite being deprived a face or even a name I know them for their post count and more importantly their comments. Perhaps Haja was right. Maybe there was some “bad behaviour” tendencies within those guys but they are missed as is (I suspect at least by some) Haja. Supposedly bad behaviour doesn’t sell anymore. I see the point but we are all here in the name of bad behaviour choosing to smoke at a time where everyone says otherwise.
Maybe Haja was on to something but that doesn’t mean I am going to go track down some dead sea salt and start shoving....cheers



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2014
anthonyrosenthal74, is that lighter cracked? It looks as though a chemical came in contact with it and cracked it. Time to get the glue and hair.



Dec 14, 2013
Ah yes... I forgot about his thread on the issue of cracked lighters after cleaning them (with God knows what) and his warning of doing so. :lol:

Jan 8, 2013
I love how "Christ killing jews" just came straight out of left field in the cracked lighter thread. He said we should respect other cultures and then spouted antisemitism in the same sentence. Haja had issues... seriously. I wonder if he would have gone off the deep end if someone posted a lighter and star of david together. That could have been interesting.



Feb 21, 2013
As I mentioned in my now ancient post, I missed the wayward posts, but got in on some of the just zany ones, and in general, I always kind of enjoyed Haja's off-beatness. Hope he went his way and did okay. Sometimes a troubled soul can turn toward some good, and I guess that goes for most of us.

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