Office Tobacco Drying Off the Table Now It Seems...

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Oct 31, 2014
Evergreen, Colorado
Distracting/masking aroma:

Eat a tin of smoked kippered herring for lunch, & dispose of the tin in your waste basket (or better yet in the break-room waste basket).

They will never notice your tobacco or the smell of pipe smoke on your clothes or beard.
I loved eating kippered herring for lunch, but was asked to eat outside, even in the winter.

Got even by disposing of the empty tins in the OB/Gyn Nurses Office waste basket.

They were not as amused as myself.

Jul 15, 2011
In the particular area where I live, me bringing any smoking utensil other than a cigarette to work would pretty much label me a stoner, because that is how rampant the ignorance around here is, so bringing my pipes to work is pretty much a non issue, but I can see your frustration, and I agree that your co workers shouldn't make you bend over backwards to satisfy their whims. I work in food service and couldn't tell you the number of people that I have worked with that refused to take a shower on a regular basis and that reek of bad BO but they let them work around other peoples food in spite of this.



Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I'm late to this thread Carolina, but just wanted to throw my two cents in. Its too bad they don't like the smell of drying tobacco. I would think for most its quite a nice smell. I understand not wanting to be confrontational at work too, just want to go about your job and go home.
It will make those evening smokes at home that much better!

May 8, 2017
Sugar Grove, IL, USA
My two cents are that when it comes to an office environment, it's best to mimic a piece of furniture -- no sounds or smells. Otherwise, you're bound to irritate someone. It's too bad they don't enjoy the smell of the tobacco, but since they don't, it's not a big deal to dry it in advance and leave it in a sealed container.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 13, 2017

I feel for you, I feel your pain and frustration.
It appears what ever you do there is a group of people out to make your life difficult.

Trust me life is to short.

The worst sinario is you get them for constructive dismissal.
If it was just tobacco then you might think they are health nutters who think any contact with tobacco will give them cancer, but complaining about your voice and enthusiasm on the phone makes me worried!
Don’t let this ruin your life! They are bullies. It’s either going to blow over or come to a head.
Worse scenario is you change your job then sue the company.
Best of luck, can you tell us how it goes.
Deep thoughts George


Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
Me late too, & thus apologies, cc my bud. And sympathies too. -sigh- Things are just different these days. :( I think maybe miket & craig've got the solid bead on it.



Jul 1, 2013
Iowa, United States
After finish a pipe outside, bring it in and sit on your desk for the rest of the day, collect the smoked pipes for a days and they they won't notice the drying tobacco smell.

I feel ya, my sound is booming and spreads across a big hall easily. I blame it on the years I spent teaching kids and teenagers science, english and economics ranging from Grade 8th till Grade 12th. I have been told a few times to keep my voice low if I get too excited at work, but I do not give a crap if I am speaking with someone on phone about work.
Do not treat your office space as your personal space, you are there to work, not do personal things. Dry your tobacco at home, put it in a pouch or a small glass jar and open only when you want to smoke. People get offended easily these days and I rather have people not speak with me than bitching about me behind my back and with the boss or the HR.

Chris :puffpipe:



Feb 21, 2013
I'm not happy about your work place neighbors, but on the other hand, I think you are handling it wisely and sensibly. I don't think the smell of tobacco inert, not burning, really "gets" anybody, but I do believe a lot of the commercial fragrances in everything from deodorant to cologne to room freshener to cat litter scent can be an irritant or worse (induce asthma etc. etc.). I use a bag of coffee as a car freshener sometimes, but I didn't at work. I've passed groups of elderly women who, collectively, with their cloud of perfume, could knock over a mule. Their sense of smell is gone, so they have to use the whole bottle of scent to smell it themselves. Get seated next to the group in the theater, and you won't remember much of what was on the screen or stage. I had a guy friend at work who wore too much cologne, probably for the same reason, but I was helping him through the loss of his wife, so I never mentioned it. I always thought cubicles were highly problematical for smell, sound, and light excesses. A juicy conversation would stall my work place tasks for an hour. I'm human. Who slept with whom? Where? Discovered by who? Wow. Plotting the spreadsheet really fades by comparison. Luckily, I spent most of my career in separated office space, an alcove, or a cubicle by a window, so was somewhat buffered. Four walls, a window and a door always produced the best work from me. I think cubicle farms are a false thrift.



Feb 28, 2013
"Do not treat your office space as your personal space, you are there to work, not do personal things."
This is the crux of the matter...dry your tobacco at home, smoke your pipe outside, and when you come in and you lay your "smelly" pipe on the desk and someone says something...tell them to fuck off.



Jan 31, 2011
The joys of life among the Earthlings in Corporate Cubeville. I feel your pain.
Dilbert does too:



Oct 20, 2010
I am sorry to say this, but I agree with the boss. If people have complained about something, don't do it.
Context, I have never smoked at work. Also, I am not presently employed, after almost 17 years. I was let go for minor mistakes. The big boss once stated, "People who don't follow instructions, don't work here."
I talked to a tobacco vendor. He said the women in the office asked him not to smoke cigars around them. They preferred he smoke a pipe instead. Little compromises will help the office environment.



Oct 12, 2011
I've heard this guy complain before because he sit behind me and can smell it, so it even makes me not want to smoke at the office at all in order to accommodate his delicate position of not liking it.
Bunch of dicks,f*&^ing whiners...



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Well, they've all gone home,
Apparently your employer allows you to visit this site while on the clock, that's not a bad trade-off for drying your tobacco at home. Do they provide the computer also? Just take the moneys, do the job as best you can and dry your blends at home as suggested. Problem solved.



Jun 11, 2017
I’m airing out a tin of Key Largo in the office today. Smells so good. Everyone thinks I ate bread and that’s what the food smell is. At least that’s what I told them.


May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Mmmmm, I bet that smells great! I'm actually airing out a tin of Peterson Connoisseur's Choice with nothing but compliments today. Just depends on the blend. This one smells so good, like tropics fruits. Can't wait to smoke it.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
When I worked at the bank, I would let my tobacco dry on my desk. Aside from the usual and annoying "do you put weed in your pipe" never really got a complaint about the smell of the tobacco. Lucky I guess.

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