Offensively High Resale Prices On Unicorn Blends

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Gandalf The Grey

Might Stick Around
Feb 6, 2024
Origanally from Oxford, England
That's true. And if this was a yacht forum, I'd completely agree. However, we're not talking about things priced only for the well to do. We're talking about things priced for wider consumption, whose prices have been driven through the roof due to the *perception* of value. I know a lot of hardcore bourbon guys. None own a bottle of Pappy 15 or higher. I know another handful of people, who do own Pappy 15, 20, 23. None of whom could tell the difference between Pappy 23 and Woodford Double Oaked.
Perception of an item influences the price of an item. This inflation has caused the tobacco to be affordable to a select few.


Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 9, 2023
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This is probably going to surprise and infuriate people. It's been kept a secret for all of you for so long, but stores... all of that stuff being sold in stores and online... all of it... was bought very cheaply and sold for about 3x's as much as they bought it for. It's called keystoning, look it up. Some of the stuff is even being sold for a whole lot more, like 8x's as much or higher. It's called capitalism. People do this to feed their family.

You know what I do when someone has something priced too high... I walk away. I know right, revolutionary.
Exactly. Remember the Great Recession where a lot of stores were dropping their prices so low just to stay in business? GAP, you’re really doing 80% off and still making a profit?

That’s when I realized how much product is marked up and we the consumers are mostly to blame for it.

In regard to the HTG tobacco I just opened a tin of ESO for the first time on NYE. ASTB I had for a few years and I was excited to try it. You know what I discovered? Meh. It was good but not mind blowing which was great because I love a lot of the more easy to get blends.

So like the others said, don’t hate the player, hate the game. And if you don’t want to play, blame yourself if you can’t get any.


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I blame Pipestud, The Art of Manliness, and Melvin Schwartz.
Not necessarily in that order.
Good ole Melvin, the world's second worst moderator. His love for Penzance knew no bounds and persuaded me to buy a bag back in 2005. At that time there was no craze, it was just another popular blend on the shelf. I tried it and decided that it wasn't for me. Didn't like the balances. I preferred more Macedonian in my English blends.

I wouldn't be caught dead reading anything with "Manliness" in the title. Can't imagine anything less manly.

Steve? Well according to some on this thread, Steve's a criminal. I suspect that the legal parsing here leaves something to be desired. Steve is licensed to sell tobaccos, as is Tinbids. People consign to have their tobaccos sold. Maybe they do sell, maybe they don't. Piipestud and Tinbids, to name just two of the sites that handle aftermarket sales, do the actual selling, for which they charge a fee. So, no criminality involved, sorry. Of course, people sell tobaccos on this forum. Are they criminals or is this forum engaged in criminal activity?

It's always entertaining when Adam Smith and free markets get invoked. There's likely more sound economics in Debbie Does Dallas than in reading Milton Freidman. "Free market" is a lovely patent myth. Every market is subject to forces distorting it for someone's advantage. And Smith was pretty adamant about who he considered "economic parasites". In case you're wondering, landords are the parasites, because they contribute nothing and drain off a percentage of the work of others.

I applaud the effort to put some ethical and moral compass on capitalism, but capitalism is inherently amoral. Its operation lies in the hands of Sapiens, who are intermittently ethical and moral, logical and emotional, which also contributes to the inherent porosity of all orthodox economic theories.

I have my own personal unified field theory that the basis of all human struggle is due to the following:

People are loath to give up an unearned advantage.

That's kind of what started this whole thread.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
But it isn't just dictated by demand. It is also dictated by supply, especially if supply is inherently limited.
Totality dictated by demand. And, most especially when supply is limited.

A lot of whingers running around, panties in a bunch, complaining about something they can fix. Make more money, get rid of the envy that some can afford to pay more that you can, choose a cheaper vice, and so forth. Life isn't supposed to be fair. All some you here want to do is pillory the successful accepting no personal blame for the condition you find yourself in. Only you can change your circumstances. If you are waiting for government action to improve your life ... well, 'nuff said.

Or, revert back to your childhood where mommy and daddy provided for your "wants" and needs. Often at considerable cost and effort top themselves.

I have absolutely no sympathy for those who figure life owes them a pass and they shouldn't have to work for what they desire. None! You chose your lifestyle, live with it. Quit lusting for what you can't have/afford.


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I don’t see the problem, in Australia we pay $140 retail for 50gms. I can’t wait for the rest of the world to catch up to Australia on taxing tobacco to the extreme because it will sort the wheat from the chaff on who is a ”true” pipe smoker. Threads like this won’t exist!
"True" pipe smoker, or "true addict?


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
It's not or we'd all be doing it. Many here have often gifted McClelland and Esoterica tobacco. It's more greed feeding jealousy.
I've gifted plenty of both, probably close 25% of what I bought over the years. But I still agree that it's human nature. Not all humans have the same make up of traits. We're different blends, but we all still have common traits.


Might Stick Around
Jan 30, 2023
Central Texas
Here’s you an actionable plan. Think of it like pumping and dumping penny stocks.

Purchase all the Prince Albert on the market. Then aggressively advertise it. Hire a handsome young actor with a nice haircut and beard and six pack abs. Film him chopping wood by a cabin in the mountains while clenching a pipe. Actor stops mid swing and says “When I am not building my home with my own two hands, I like to relax with a bowlful of Prince Albert - the King of Pipe Tobacco.” Then he smiles while a beautiful, scantily clad young woman looks up at him adoringly and hands him a sandwich.

Post this all over the socials and sell all that Prince Albert at a markup to hipsters. Then with the proceeds, go buy all the Esoterica you want. Problem solved.
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Oct 30, 2023
Charleston, SC
The issue here is supply/demand that's driven in large part by international restrictions on buying and selling, tariffs, and numerous local/regional/country level taxations across nearly every continent. Despite all of the complaints about scarcity - most of the U.S. enjoys more tobacco options than most countries across the world for less $$. It's all about perspective.

Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I've gifted plenty of both, probably close 25% of what I bought over the years. But I still agree that it's human nature. Not all humans have the same make up of traits. We're different blends, but we all still have common traits.
Perhaps for some. I still stand by my comment some are prone to activities and actions that others are not. Citing human nature has given license to much illicit behavior.


Might Stick Around
Jan 30, 2023
Central Texas
I love the idea, but how much capital would I have to commit to buy up all the PA? And pay the actors and someone to flood social media?

On second thought, I bet after buying it all up, more will be made.

I highly recommend you do this only with Prince Albert, good sir! (As I eyeball my large, unopened container of PA). Lol.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 8, 2023
Totality dictated by demand. And, most especially when supply is limited.

A lot of whingers running around, panties in a bunch, complaining about something they can fix. Make more money, get rid of the envy that some can afford to pay more that you can, choose a cheaper vice, and so forth. Life isn't supposed to be fair. All some you here want to do is pillory the successful accepting no personal blame for the condition you find yourself in. Only you can change your circumstances. If you are waiting for government action to improve your life ... well, 'nuff said.

Or, revert back to your childhood where mommy and daddy provided for your "wants" and needs. Often at considerable cost and effort top themselves.

I have absolutely no sympathy for those who figure life owes them a pass and they shouldn't have to work for what they desire. None! You chose your lifestyle, live with it. Quit lusting for what you can't have/afford.
Hey say what you mean man, don't hold back or anything lol. But who said life wasn't supposed to be fair? Isn't the premise of every western liberal democracy that people should be treated fairly, be that equality before the law, equal opportunities, civil rights, etc, etc. I admire your honesty in not giving a hoot about any of that, but if our societies were as honest as you are, and openly accepted that they are not founded on some conception of fairness, they wouldn't last long.

But truth be told, you probably do have some belief in fairness. For instance, you order an expensive pipe online, but it doesn't arrive. You make enquiries to its whereabouts, and are told by the retailer, 'we won't be sending that pipe, and we're keeping the money, stuff you Warren, life isn't fair, you really need to get over this entitled attitude you're exhibiting', you would most likely consider this unfair. I think we all have ideas of fairness, how we conceptualise and articulate them are where the problems occur.


Oct 13, 2021
Here I am happy I'm able to find LOTS of blends out of the hundreds and hundreds available, that I like and are "normally" priced.
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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
Calling out people who point out that the distribution system often times fails to properly connect sellers and buyers when flippers intervene is both immature and side-stepping a real issue. Ticketmaster continues to deal with this problem. And it is a legitimate problem and not one where certain sellers played too many video games in their parent's basements and didn't get a real job. Distribution in a complex society such as our has room for many improvements. Name calling is really out of place.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Everyone has the ability to rise above one's birth but some choose to blame systems instead of using the systems to their advantage.
Very true. It's so much easier for people to blame everything but themselves. It's so much easier to simply accept one's lot in life as opposed to doing what is necessary to improve it. I'm the only one in control of my life.

I love to read/see the stories of mentally deficient/physically impaired folks who simply refuse to accept the road blocks and such society puts in front of them. Too many so-called physically and mentally "normal" folk simply "quit" on themselves. Sad, very sad to observe.

Too many folks underestimate their "ceiling."
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