soylentgreen: I'm looking forward to trying some GLP Barbary Coast some day - it just never seems to find me. How would you rate it as a burley?
Tonight it was
Orlik Golden Sliced in the B-C Mirage 1300 but what really blew me away tonight was my accompaniment. It was a fresh bottle of my current
favorite chased by a pint of
Batch 19. Batch 19 is labeled as a pre-prohibition style lager (which means an American Adjunct Lager - sorry to get all beer nerd on you). It was a great pairing. I had the brew on a (usual) brewery stop a few months ago and finally saw some at the store (might not be available in your area). It's has such a sharp and crisp upfront malt/bread taste that paired with Jamesons like aces. Very enjoyable.