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Mar 29, 2020
The Last Frontier
The notifications that won't go away are more than likely thread responses that you haven't read yet. Once you read them the notifications will go away. I had the same problem.

Have a look. It's sorted. The update has the little black dots beside them and if you scroll past them too quickly, they don't get automatically marked as 'read.' Going back through and manually clicking them fixes it.


Jun 20, 2019
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
If you click on the Mark Read button, it'll clear all the black dots and the red notification. To find that button on the phone, open up your alerts, scroll to the bottom and click Show all... That will take you to the Alerts page with the Mark Read button.
Mar 13, 2020
Have a look. It's sorted. The update has the little black dots beside them and if you scroll past them too quickly, they don't get automatically marked as 'read.' Going back through and manually clicking them fixes it.
I think only the like notifications get automatically read. Ill open up my notifications, hit refresh, and the only ones remaining will be thread responses. Clicking them takes you to response, notification cleared. I don't think it matters how fast you scroll past them.


Mar 29, 2020
The Last Frontier
I think only the like notifications get automatically read. Ill open up my notifications, hit refresh, and the only ones remaining will be thread responses. Clicking them takes you to response, notification cleared. I don't think it matters how fast you scroll past them.

That makes sense. Kinda like how it'll stay that way when you have a PM. It's more than a notification, it's like a "Hey jackass, go look at this."


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 17, 2020
If you click on the Mark Read button, it'll clear all the black dots and the red notification. To find that button on the phone, open up your alerts, scroll to the bottom and click Show all... That will take you to the Alerts page with the Mark Read button.
My god man!!! If we follow those instructions, we are one-half of the way to making a nuclear device!
The only thing I haven't figured out yet, is why do I keep getting notified when new threads are started? Sometimes it is people I know starting new threads, and sometimes I have no idea who the people are starting new threads. But, it dumps them in my notification feed like someone has commented on something.


Jun 20, 2019
The Big Rock Candy Mountains
The only thing I haven't figured out yet, is why do I keep getting notified when new threads are started? Sometimes it is people I know starting new threads, and sometimes I have no idea who the people are starting new threads. But, it dumps them in my notification feed like someone has commented on something.
You probably have your preferences switched on to receive notifications for watched forums. I think preferences are initially switched on to receive notifications for everything but you may have started watching that particular forum by accident.
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