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Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
No celebrity look alikes here, although I had a friend in high school who was a dead ringer for Christian Bale. People would constantly do double takes when walking past.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
At first it was kinda fun but now it just old. Dang, I don't how those Hollyweird stars enjoy going out in public. Zero privacy.

I've been asked for autographs before too. I don't talk because I'd give it away. I just sign, "Thanks for being a fan, " and then I sign my real name, Kirk XXXXX . Some people catch it some don't. Am I a "double" of the guy? Nah, just a resemblance. I am a cowboy kinda guy but that's about it. Here's some pics...and yeah it's me. The hat helps. And that's that.
I think the money helps why you can even afford to go to place that the hoi polloi can't even afford to work at.
Well like I said before I refuse to believe anything otherwise then that you are the man Sam Elliott and nothing will change my mind. Even if it's not true, doesn't matter.


Apr 1, 2014
Colorado Rockies, Cripple Creek region
View attachment 12863
One of his latest movies about an aging movie star who has a 20something girlfriend is pretty good. In college, I was always amazed at how young girls seem to fall in love with older men that are in shape. But, now that I am old, my wife won't let me bring any of them home. puffy

Any good? I haven't seen it. I heard it's kinda like his real life. A bit.
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Feb 21, 2013
The myth on which Westerns are based, that epoch, lasted twenty or thirty years. There have been horseback herdsmen for centuries, houses of ill repute and violent outposts all the while. But the days of the free roving U.S. territory cowboys lasted from the extinction of the buffalo to the turn of the century. All of the rest are pulp page turners, movies, and TV shows, embroidering more and more on the sliver of history. To borrow from earlier posts, the reviled Woody Allen has made movies longer than those free spirits roved the sagebrush. Despite what Gun Smoke taught us, a good many of the casualties were shot in the back. Cowboy hats have had a far longer life than cowboys.
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