Little update and a question. So the first one i was cleaning is coming out really well, got a majority of the crud off as shown here
Still a ways to go, btw saliva works way better than water.
I do have a question on this pipe, it woulr appear that this is a meer screw in, was that actually a thing? I can tell already if im going to fuck any of these up it’s going to be this one, i am being very careful cleaning out the stem, which is Amber and cool to me so i really don’t want to snap part of it off or get 151 on it and soften the threads or some other idiotic move. At first i thought it might be resin or something but the it all sucks water right up, could this be pressed out of meer-dust if that on itself is a thing? Sorry for the questions i read through the threads and did searches and found nothing on this.