Non Babe Newbie

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Jul 27, 2012
Welcome Misu. Already good advice here. The only thing I'll add is pipe smoking can be tricky in the beginning. It's almost an art form to fill a pipe properly and get it to stay lit, etc.
So my advice is to ask a lot of questions and watch a lot of videos to get ramped up quickly. It is really worth the effort.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 30, 2013
You're right "meerschaum" is a soft stone found mainly in Turkey and has been used to make pipes for 100s of years. Missouri Meerschaum is a tongue in cheek name really. They are the best of the corn cob pipes. Just as the stone comes a from Turkey, the cobs come from Missouri!
Although they look like a toy or fancy dress accessories, they smoke really well and are cheap. As mentioned, it means any tobacco that might "ghost" your pipe can have its own MM corn cob pipe dedicated to it for only a few dollars.
Hope that helps

Yes! It helped a lot!! :) Thank you :)I get it now. So, these would be good pipes to try new/different tobaccos in so I don't ruin a pipe that was good for smoking a nice Cavendish in.

Maybe I'll get some so I can try the different types of tobaccos. I want to get to know the differences between a Burley and a Virginia and other tobaccos. Like knowing the differences in wine only with tobacco.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 30, 2013
Quote of the week!

When you find something that you enjoy, that enjoyment belongs to you and poop on what anyone else thinks or has to say about it!

I like your attitude :)

Captain Black White (Regular, called White because of the white pouch it comes in).

Frog Morton (very smooth)

Dunhill Nightcap

Dunhill Early Morning Pipe

Frog Morton On The Bayou (my personal favorite)

Hearth and Home's Black House

Brigadier Black Gettysburg (a peach-flavored aromatic, actually pretty good)

I'm actually getting a free sample of Captain Black White. I chose it because of the reviews. I may sign hubby up so I can try another sample. If I can find the site again.

I saw a you tube video with Jay Dagner. He likes Frog Morton as well. I'll have to pick some of that up and try it next time I'm out and see it.

I think I'm going to have to get some Missouri Meerschaum and a little bit of the different types of tobaccos and start my pipe journey there.



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
Welcome to the forum!
Excellent advice was given. As Roth has said, there is a huge amount of info already posted on the forum on all subjects pipe related.
It is worth the time and effort, IMHO.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 30, 2013
... and, thank you, everyone for the warm welcome and well wishes. You're a cool bunch :)



Can't Leave
Jan 16, 2013
United States
Welcome Misu! I am a woman if that makes a difference, but not sure about middle aged. I personally enjoy highland whiskey with coffee and tea. Haunted bookshop is a good wake up bowl also. There's a ton of good advice on here so read up, it took me about 2 weeks to read all the article but it's nice to do while smoking on the porch. Nice to meet you!



Part of the Furniture Now
May 15, 2010
you are a woman after my own heart.....
wish i could get the warden to enjoy a pipe with me.
lane 1q is a great smoke btw, one of the few true aromatics that i like. mac barren vanilla flake is another good one.
but my favorite is a va/per blend called escudo.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 30, 2013
lane 1q is a great smoke btw, one of the few true aromatics that i like. mac barren vanilla flake is another good one

I'll have to try those.
I ordered a whole boatload of corn cobs to try different tobaccos in. This way I can save the "good" pipes for the good tobacco.



Mar 5, 2013
St. Louis, MO
If you have a clay you can smoke whatever you like out of it... It's what I use to try tobaccos. I don't rest it really... Just clean it out and try something different.

Aug 14, 2012
Nice to have you aboard. Perhaps you would post a picture of you as an avatar. I am not a babe either, but I made them look at my face for months.



Nov 25, 2012
I ordered a whole boatload of corn cobs to try different tobaccos in. This way I can save the "good" pipes for the good tobacco.
You may find as many do such as myself that those cobs will soon turn into your "good" pipes. I rarely smoke anything but my cobs. They always give me a great smoke.

Welcome to the Club and Happy puffing.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 30, 2013
You may find as many do such as myself that those cobs will soon turn into your "good" pipes. I rarely smoke anything but my cobs. They always give me a great smoke.

I was thinking the same thing when I read up on corn cobs. Time will tell. There are so many variables to smoking a pipe. From finding the right pipe AND tobacco. I think this may take awhile to find my groove. Good thing I'm retired.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 30, 2013
Nice to have you aboard. Perhaps you would post a picture of you as an avatar. I am not a babe either, but I made them look at my face for months.

Thank you. I might post a picture. There aren't too many "good" pictures of me. My kids actually had to teach me how to sit for a picture. They were all like "Mom! Must you always look like you're trying to poop?" LOL :D Or, my eyes are closed. This stems from a childhood of those cubed rotating flashes. I didn't grow up with Myspace or Facebook, so it wasn't instilled in me to ever pose properly. That is, until my daughters came along. And, I still don't have that down ;)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 30, 2013
If you have a clay you can smoke whatever you like out of it... It's what I use to try tobaccos. I don't rest it really... Just clean it out and try something different.

Are clay pipes like ceramic pipes?



Dec 12, 2012
Welcome, Misu!
Clay pipes are NOT like ceramic pipes, as far as I know. To the best of my knowledge, ceramic pipes are pretty much "for decoration only." Clay pipes are matte-finish, white clay -- ALL clay, including the stems -- and were pretty much the first "real" pipes ever smoked when the Europeans got their hands on tobacco. They tend to have very small bowls and they conduct heat like crazy, which is why there's always a tiny little "nob" on the bottom of the stem near the bowl; you'll need to hold onto that because the bowl will likely get too hot to hold.
Clay gives a very "pure" smoke, imparting virtually no flavor of its own (like meerschaum, but unlike briar and corn cobs). But clay pipes are also extremely fragile. They wouldn't be my recommendation to someone who is just starting to smoke a pipe.
You've already gotten lots of great advice. I'll just add that you might also want to listen to some of the Pipes Magazine Radio Show episodes that are posted here. I think there have been about 28 45-minute episodes so far, and they "air" every week. Might be more "insider" talk than you're wanting at the moment, but there's almost always some really good tips and information.



Nov 24, 2012
Hi Misu - welcome to the addiction. There are several women puffers here, all are very cool so you'll fit it very nicely. The title of your post intrigued me. "Non Babe". mehhh. Who cares! 95% of us here on this forum will likely never meet each other in person. This is a place of friendship, of knowledge and of sharing our passion for the pipe and leaf. If you are a puffer, you are a friend of mine, babe or not. Welcome.



Mar 1, 2013
Misu - Welcome to the Brotherhood.....uh Sister, ummm Family of the Briar :puffy:
It is nice to see another woman on here. To my knowledge Eibhir was the only other female I have had the pleasure of speaking to on these forums.
You have already received great advice and as a noob myself I would just say take it all in. Many of the folks that have posted on this thread, while I have never met, I feel have given me better free advice than many attorneys I have dealt with (my lame stab at a lawyer joke, no insult intended).
As for a pic, I agree with Zonomo. This is a place of friendship and helping each other out with questions, deals, sales, etc. I post my pic only because I am in sales and have a decent head shot laying around that I use. Otherwise I would want a cool avatar like some of the ones I am sure you have seen.
Get as much out of this forum as possible and (disclaimer: I do not represent ANYONE on this site) I have used two of the sponsors and am VERY satisfied with the prices, selection, and shipping. Not sure where you are from but if you don't have a local B&M (brick and mortar) store I would suggest perusing some of the site sponsors.
Happy Smoking :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 30, 2013
Welcome Misu! I am a woman if that makes a difference, but not sure about middle aged. I personally enjoy highland whiskey with coffee and tea. Haunted bookshop is a good wake up bowl also. There's a ton of good advice on here so read up, it took me about 2 weeks to read all the article but it's nice to do while smoking on the porch. Nice to meet you!

Yea!!! Yes, it does make a difference, to me. I welcome the fellowship. Smoking pipes is still considered a man's thing. I don't think that I'm breaking any barriers or anything, and it's not my goal to make a statement like burning my bra by smoking a pipe (although, all bets are off if I manage to keep the thing lit and drop it ;) )It's just that there are some things that guys just don't understand. Like when I was at the B&M (

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