Nicotine Test for Benefits at Work

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 5, 2018
Southeast Michigan
Now you are thinking like a scientist!!!! You need it BQL (below quantifiable limits). Two weeks should be fine. Now if you were smoking weed you would be in trouble as THC depots in fatty tissue and sticks around a long damn time, esp if you are heavy
I was wondering about that...the THC part. The insurance company doesn't say anything about that, only this "cotinine." I got ticked off thinking I'll have to pay a higher premium for smoking a pipe, but it'd be fine if I smoked pot?? Maybe it's a given that it'd disqualify you so it's not listed? I'm not sure, but as I'm not a pot smoker I am only concerned about the nicotine.
Cholesterol and blood sugar are on there as well.
Holy crap!!!! That is bullshit. High cholesterol is NOT a disease. Most people can't help it as they also have genetic predispositions. This is a very slippery slope and a gross overstep on personal privacy and possibly a HIPPA violation to force people to disclose such things


Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 5, 2018
Southeast Michigan
That place is pretty uptight it sounds like. Hope it is a fabulous job. Good luck with your test.
In fairness it's the insurance company, not the job. There are a lot of retirees that are still getting healthcare benefits from us so as a "pool" of employees we look kind of bad (not very many young healthy strapping individuals, lots of old retired people) so this was the best we could get coverage-wise from the insurance company. We're supposed to make some changes in the coming years to eliminate the enhanced/standard and have everyone on the better package.
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Is cancer on there too? I am a childhood cancer survivor. are they gonna hold that against me? I bet they would if they could. Sorry - this is wrong in so many ways. I've been in healthcare/pharma >30 years and this whole situation is insane on so many levels. I hate insurance companies - sorry to any insurance salesmen here


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
yeah it is b.s. You have to be off of nicotine for a few months before you don't risk getting a ding on the test. The hospital here did the same thing. I kind of hate these test they look for metabolites and how long those stay in your body and how many are produced are a really individual thing. Yet these test are treated as if these things are all standard.
I'd say your choices are 1. talk to the insurers and explain and make your case that you're not a regular tobacco user very casual and hell you even can probably demonstrate that. Try to keep talking to people higher up and see how far you can go. Be persistent and polite.
Or 2 look into ways to cover up and fake these tests. It can be done and a lot easier then people would like to think.
I'd say number one is your best option. And again be polite but persistent if going on that route. Explain yourself and ask well who can make that decision.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 5, 2018
Southeast Michigan
Holy crap!!!! That is bullshit. High cholesterol is NOT a disease. Most people can't help it as they also have genetic predispositions. This is a very slippery slope and a gross overstep on personal privacy and possibly a HIPPA violation to force people to disclose such things
Well, like the tobacco use and the BMI, I think the point is that if you're not within their (again, the insurance company, not the job) limits, you have to participate in some sort of program to lower or manage your cholesterol. As long as you continue to do that work, I think you get the lower premiums. (I've read a packet that I just got in the mail from them, I know nothing other than what the insurance company tells me in that brochure). The job doesn't necessarily know any of it, it's between you, your doctor, and the insurance company. I suppose HR knows because they'll know what's coming out of your paycheck for your monthly premiums, but then again, I can chose to not participate at all and just accept the higher rate.

It almost reminds me of getting a new landline hooked up back in grad school and they wanted money to keep me out of the phone book. I got mad and ATT actually said, "privacy has a price." I went off about how that's extortion, lol, "Pay us money or we'll print your name, address, and telephone number in a book and distribute it to everyone in town!" Did I just hijack my own thread? oops.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Is cancer on there too? I am a childhood cancer survivor. are they gonna hold that against me? I bet they would if they could. Sorry - this is wrong in so many ways. I've been in healthcare/pharma >30 years and this whole situation is insane on so many levels. I hate insurance companies - sorry to any insurance salesmen here
yeah they would. I loved when we'd get a patient that was a kid with cancer. Oh they'd demand all their health records going back as far as they reasonably could to make sure there is no chance of it being a preexisting condition. You know the extra shit you just really want to deal with when you find out your child has a serious illness and you even if you don't have to say good bye to them, your heart is going to get ripped out repeatedly as you get to watch them suffer and know there is a great chance this how their life ends. Great time to go out of your way to make sure a huge conglomerate doesn't have to lose money plying their business fairly.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 5, 2018
Southeast Michigan
Interesting graphic here illlustrating how these levels are measured. Nanograms per milliliter. When I get home I'll look at post what the levels are that they're looking for. Interesting as well in that link they're not talking about anything but cigarettes. Hard to get a comparison.
Jan 30, 2020
New Jersey
Holy crap!!!! That is bullshit. High cholesterol is NOT a disease. Most people can't help it as they also have genetic predispositions. This is a very slippery slope and a gross overstep on personal privacy and possibly a HIPPA violation to force people to disclose such things
Yeah cholesterol is surprising. I’m in the predisposition category and depending on what level they target, probably couldn’t hit it without medication.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2017
If it is a blood test , nicotine and what they test for is out of system in 3 days, I’ve done 2 days and been fine 9 times. I take same tests annually . drink lots of water day before and day of . Good luck , don’t sweat it. You have zero worries with 2 week hiatus .
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 2, 2022
New England
I have started in a new position and my benefits have changed. My place of work has Blue Care Network (BCN) and there are two "tiers" of coverage; enhanced and standard. The enhanced offers both lower premiums and co-pays. In order to qualify for "enhanced" I have to submit to a number of tests at a physical with my GP. Number one on the list is tobacco use. There will be a "cotinine" test administered either via blood or urine to determine tobacco use. (apparently it's possible to do a cotinine test via hair as well, but the literature from the insurance company only mentions blood and urine.)

Does anyone have any experience with such a test?
1) I only smoke about 1 pipe a day average (some days 3 bowls, other times a day or more could pass with none).
2) I only use 9mm charcoal filters in my pipes.
3) I do not typically smoke "high nicotine" blends as I am a bit sensitive to it not being a current nor former cigarette smoker.

My physical is in two weeks and I'm planning to abstain from any pipes between now and then. My hope is that I can pass this blasted test and then move on with my life. According to BCN once a negative test is achieved, no further tests are required at annual physicals.

The situation is what it is, I'm not trying to debate the "rights" of insurance companies or employers, I am just curious if anyone else has encountered this and has any insight or experience. Thanks!
To be quite honest I'd check and see if it is even legal to test for usage of a 100% federally legal substance. Find out if they would disqualify you for a pre-existing condition. If they accept any pre-existing conditions then how can they deny you for a perceived pre-condition? Not all tobacco users fall ill due to tobacco use. Many do not at all.
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People who still use nicotine gun are still considered nicotine users.

They will not do a hair follicle test. They are as expensive as shit. And what if you live with a smoker?

Everyone I know who takes these tests passes. My oldest passed, by just not smoking the day of. Most likely the company they use waters down the chems and it’s all just scare tactic bullshit.

My foster daughter passed her monthly state drug tests, and I swear she was coming home with eyes glowing red.

I think they look for psychological reactions from you more than rely on the cheapest chemicals that allow them to make a profit.

I would just lay off till the test, and not lose a wink of sleep over it.


Can't Leave
Feb 3, 2013
Pensacola Florida
The companies we work for pay into our health insurance plans. They may give you a choice of a couple health care vendors but rest assured they selected vendors that keep their payments lower. The entire situation sucks. I say that because during this entire process all your company and the insurance company talk about is quality healthcare. Two faced and manipulative. Notice they always say quality healthcare but never say High Quality Healthcare. The way of the world. You evil smokers will pay!!!
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