Nicotine sensitive people, why do you smoke a pipe?

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Jun 30, 2015
Vitamin N is just a bonus; I love the taste and find the process of smoking a pipe relaxing and helps with my depression.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I used to have a huge insomnia problem, but since smoking my pipes and having one last bowl of a strong rope at night, I haven't had to have a single sleeping pill in about five years. Win/win. And, I've quit cigarettes, without having to inhale my pipe, and I can now jog and exercise in the mornings without loosing my breath. I've lost about twenty pounds. No more chest colds. Pipes are just good for me. It has been a hobby that has improved my heath ten fold. My doctor approves.
Shootin' my mouth off on the forum though... might be causing me to lose my hair, ha ha!!



Oct 14, 2014
I NEVER thought of audio-ingestion... that's a neat idea! You were, of course, referring to the ear, weren't you 'Pond?

Indubitably, my good man. Kinda makes me wish for a cloaca...just for simplicities sake.
This forum has always been loaded with nicotine-denyers. I have no idea why someone would turn their backs on Our Lady of Nicotine.

On my laundry list of lifetime intoxicants nicotine doesn't rank. Add to that that I smoke after an evening meal almost exclusively and lady N manages a limp wristed slap at best.



Dec 14, 2013
jackswilling wrote:
What a nonsense thread. Why do we even have beer or wine as Everclear has more alcohol? Threads like this are disconcerting, a complete waste of server space. Troll thread.
More like a nonsense response to a discussion rather than an opinion. If you don't care for the subject then simply move along rather than accuse the OP of being a troll. That, and aside from the the fact that he has been a member here longer than you have so I would seriously doubt that he would troll the site.
As for the nicotine content in any given pipe tobacco I don't give it that much consideration as I've been a cigarette smoker for 50+ years so I have a pretty high tolerance to it. I simply smoke a pipe to get away from the damnable things, the slow change of pace that goes along with smoking a pipe and the multitude of tastes that pipe tobacco can give.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Yeh, I don't specifically just smoke strong blends. In fact, I start the day with an aro, then Virginias, VaPers, working my way up to some VaBurs, then end the day with my strongest tobacco. Most of what I cellar is for the flavors, but that said, if there was a tobacco with NO nicotine, I wouldn't bother with it at all. When I have smoked strong blends early in the day, it has made me quite miserable. It's just too hard for me to stay awake after a rope or a burley flake.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2014
Michigan, USA
Thanks Phil67. For a moment I was unsure if I was all alone thinking the post was merely an attempt to obligate me to respond. I appreciate your words. In Choctaw language we say yakoke, thank you.



Oct 4, 2015
I have been smoking pipes since I was 12 and found 6 briars in my father's drafting desk drawer in the attic. Also I must thank the husband/wife proprietors of my city's pipe and tobacco store for selling tobacco to a 12 year old enthusiast. Now she started me off with a wonderful medium aromatic called At Last. She kept me away from the harsher stuff. That first bowl, delightful, and the room note, incredible. Soon Mitch joined me in smoking pipes. He got himself a Carey pipe through the mail. Those were the days. Huck Finn could smoke and so could we.



Jul 21, 2015
People who react badly to all nicotine should not try to do any tobacco; they may get addicted to something that makes them ill.
It might be worth clarifying here that "sensitive to" and "react badly to" are different arenas.
I simply smoke a pipe to get away from the damnable things, the slow change of pace that goes along with smoking a pipe and the multitude of tastes that pipe tobacco can give.
This brings up an interesting point: the process of pipe smoking may not be able to be divided into discrete categories like "nicotine" and "flavor." It may be the whole thing: pace, flavor, nicotine, time, breathing (very Buddhist!) and many other factors.
Plus handsome woodgrain briar.

Sep 27, 2012
Upland, CA.
Yeh, I don't specifically just smoke strong blends. In fact, I start the day with an aro, then Virginias, VaPers, working my way up to some VaBurs, then end the day with my strongest tobacco. Most of what I cellar is for the flavors, but that said, if there was a tobacco with NO nicotine, I wouldn't bother with it at all. When I have smoked strong blends early in the day, it has made me quite miserable. It's just too hard for me to stay awake after a rope or a burley flake.
I find it funny how we all react so differently to things... Im the complete opposite, I start the day off with really strong tobaccos and tend to end the day with a bit mellower ones. For some reason nicotine gives me energy and I seem to be able to focus much more on the task on hand.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
We talked about this at a club meeting. Do you inhale? The guys who said that it gave them energy all said that they inhaled a little while smoking, and those of us who said that it was more of a mellower for us, were merely absorbing it through the small blood-vessels of the mouth. It was a very unscientific discussion, but interesting, none-the-less.

I've also seen it connected with blood sugar levels, or something like that.

Sep 27, 2012
Upland, CA.
well we do all inhale a bit, its inevitable... but as far as what we would call "Inhale" like a cigarette, no I do not, or who know, maybe I do inhale more than normal? not sure as I haven't paid much attention to it (great now I'm going be focused on that)
Not sure about the blood sugar levels though... how do you suppose that would affect ones reaction to the absorption of nicotine?



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I am no scientist, nor do I understand much about biology, but there is something to do with blood sugars at the time of consuming large doses of nicotine that affects the effects. Or something along those lines. Most people who smoke cigars and pipes, usually reports that the nicotine relaxes them, or mellows them out, whereas when I smoked cigs, a cigarettes could perk me up, but the effects of the "perk" was very short lived.
If you are merely absorbing the nicotine through the small blood vessels of your mouth, it is a slow slow process, and keeps absorbing long after you have put the pipe down. But, a short bast to the lungs is an immediate dose to your central nervous system, which causes the short-lived burst of energy. That's how I understand the idea.
I hope I was clear. Not being medically minded, I may have just slaughtered the whole concept, ha ha.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 16, 2014
I am not sensitive to nicotine, but I don't smoke for it. I enjoy the flavor and the process. Itallows me to take time out and just relax and focus on myself.



Oct 14, 2014
From what I understand alkaline leaves make nicotine easier for your body to absorb. By contrast, cigarettes are made from acidic, high sugar tobaccos that present a lower level of nicotine. Cigarettes smokers don't mention queasiness, hiccups, sweats, etc because the overall dose is lower than with a pipe or cigar. That said, the lungs present nicotine to the blood stream more quickly than the mucosa.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
For those that said that they don't smoke for the nicotine, there are a few heirloom tobaccos out there that supposedly taste good, but have absolutely no nicotine. They are mostly grown for ornament. Would you smoke a blend that was totally devoid of any nicotine? Just curious. I am trying to understand not smoking for the nicotine at all. Or is it just that it is an after thought, but still a need.



Feb 13, 2015
If my beloved Lat bombs had no nicotine, I would still smoke them. I like alcohol, but every beverage I drink and find tasty does not have alcohol in it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 16, 2014
Yes I would smoke any blend without nicotine if the flavor was the same as the blends I love,

Mar 1, 2014
The only thing Our Lady Nicotine has ever done for me is club me over the back of the head. I will admit that one time a friend gave me a crumbled cigarillo for my pipe and that left me a little light headed, but I'm assuming there's a whole lot in there that isn't Nicotine.

Aside from that, I'll start getting nervous when I'm getting near the bottom of a big bowl of Nightcap because I know the club is coming, whatever effects there are besides that aren't particularly noticeable.
That said:

If someone could approximate Latakia with spinach I would buy it by the pound.

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