I still have the 'finished' Legend I got at the drugstore back in 2014 and smoke it all the time.
With the success of that first cob, I began to get more. Lots of shapes and sizes to pick from. Inexpensive!
The Missouri Pride might be the best of the bunch. It's unfinished, which seems to be cooler, but certainly lighter.
I've found that the bent cobs are fine, but I have to take that crink out of the stems with heat or they're a bugger to get a pipe cleaner through.
I've also found that some of my other stems work in some of my cobs, so I can modify accordingly.
I've got a military mount "P" lip for a Peterson Barrel that works, and a couple of Cobbit stems, which are vulcanite, that I use. One of the cobbit stems has been modified, and reduced in tenon size. (it broke off in the Shire it came in)