Hi All,
I am new to smoking a pipe, just bought my first pipe (Savinelli Noce 626) received it and trying to break in. My issue is i cannot keep the pipe lit. Each puff needs a relight.
I am using Davidoff flake medallions.
First time i just rubbed them, filled the pipe losely to the top. took me about 10 minutes to finish the bowl but had to relight every single time. So i thought the Tobacco might be wet.
I let the pipe rest for 48 hours then put some tobacco out for an hour on a napkin to dry it. Same issue with the relights but this time the tobacco tasted nastier than the first time. I think i dried it alot.
Right now, i dont care about the taste as long as i learn to keep the pipe lit. And its not like im lighting, taking a puff and sitting back for a couple of minutes to take another puff. As soon as i puff the smoke out i need to relight again.
Now i need to wait for another 48 hours before i can light it up again?
Can anybody help?

CARTER HALL - 14oz Can
Slow burning, no bite. Cross cut Burleys with a sprinkling of Virginia flake. A pleasing, sweet taste and aroma. Strength: Mild Flavoring: Very Mild Taste: Mild Room Note: Pleasant to Tolerable

Training wheels for the Pipesmoker.
It might also be worthwhile picking up a pouch of Five Brothers if you want something super easy going.
Five Brothers is just straight Burley intended to pump you full of Nicotine, but they make it the best burning tobacco in history. Even if you don't particularly like the taste of Five Brothers it can be valuable just to acclimatize your tastebuds (the same as how you're not going to taste any nuance in heavily spiced food for the first few weeks that you eat it), and accomplishing that without burning out your mouth (from constant lighting) might be more worthwhile than trying to squeeze out a hint of flavor from flakes while you're not even particularly capable of tasting the flavors.
There are also some Pipesmokers who even after a lifetime of experiencenever never smoke flakes in flake form, instead opting to throw the tobacco in an electric blender to break things up far better than rubbing with your fingers ever could (Do Not Blend Tobacco and Smoothies in the same Blender).
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