Overall it's a pretty nice job. A couple of features of the old page that were smarter and simpler than the competition, mainly the visibility of a lot of recent threads on the main page, are gone, leaving a lot of dead page space.
In some ways, the upgrade, while much more fully featured, is less convenient than its predecessor.
With the former site I could scroll down the PM's without needing to click on pages, which made looking for particular exchanges quite easy. On the other hand, PM's can now have proper formatting.
The necessity of including larger swaths of screen real estate with advertisements, coupled with the more spread out layout, actually makes things a bit more cramped.
Depending on the subscription price, I'd be fine with paying for an ad free page, as I do at a couple of other forums. It makes for a much clearer user experience.
I'm assuming that the loss of post counts that people have experienced are somehow related to the loss of images and some older threads from the transition.
Most of the features I'm familiar with on other forums that have adopted this platform. They're nice to have.
And it's no small feat that this was as smooth a transition as it was, so bravo again!