prohibition of tobacco and legalization of marijuana?? where is the logic in that?
Sigh, this old saw again. Marijuana prohibition was a tremendous boon to crime and a huge pointless cost to everyone else. So the people, bless 'em, voted to "legalize" it, though technically it's not legal anywhere. And once the issues with marijane become more apparent, statutes will be enacted to restrict its use. Add to that the dissemination of the damage it does, and over time it will become equally unpopular, kind of like tobacco. It's just that boo hasn't been nearly as visible as tobacco, nor has it been studied to the same extent. Tobacco isn't being prohibited, it's just being made a lot less convenient to obtain. Once the honeymoon period wears off, marihooyah will follow the same course.
California ahem, Socialism here I come...
Fifth or sixth largest economy on the planet. If that's a result of socialism, we should all jump on the bandwagon. People love to bandy about that word "socialism" like they actually have a clue about what it means. Very few who bandy it about actually have a clue what it means.