Welcome Sojin, and thanks for accepting my friendship request.
All of the above is excellent advice...
But, I might go one step further for a starter churchwarden.
A lot of members would recommend that you start your venture into the wonderful world of pipe smoking with a corn cob pipe... by Missouri Merschaum, and others. (never a Chinese cob)
There a number of "Cobwardens" out there...
I have one and it has been nothing short of outstanding... and the costs are in the $20 - $30 range.
Can't wait to see pictures of your first pipe, and to hear what tobacco you decide to begin with.
Your first pipe will always hold a special place in your heart.
The only other things I can add, in the way of advice for choosing a pipe:
If you don't like the way it looks, you will never really enjoy the pipe.
If it catches your eye and feels good in your hand (proper fit), it is definitely a candidate.
Next run a pipe cleaner through it. It should go all the way from the stem into the bowl without difficulty.
Then look for flaws in the pipe. Fills, cracks, off center drilling, and loose bits of wood inside the shank and bowl (a sign of poor quality). Try to avoid varnish, or lacquer finishes.
Depending on the finish (rusticated, sand blast or smooth), the grain should be appealing.
Get yourself a pipe tool to tamp, and dig that dottle.
Don't pack it tightly. Smoke it slowly, and don't worry about relights...
Technique will come with experience.
If your technique works for you... then it's correct.
And most importantly... Relax and enjoy yourself.