All really good stuff fellas, I appreciate all the help. Now it's about clear as mud as to which manufacturer it could be, but all the one listed there in the book skaukatt, seem to be okay in my book. Like I've said, I think I'll just clean it up, know that I have a decent quality pipe that I like the look of and just start smoking away.
@tuold it's nice to see that it's not been just me searching for this one. Maybe one day we might know more, maybe not. If you like the pipe, you like the pipe, and whether this one was made by a well known company at a $2,000 price point, or if it was a cheaply made factory pipe worth $20, I still find it interesting and fun to restore. It would only be nice to actually be able to respond with a brand if someone asks "oooooh, love that pipe, what is it?"
Maybe the mystery is just what makes it more interesting. My mystery pipe. Kinda has a good ring to it.