Some time back I bought an estate pipe with an English royal coat of arms stamped on it with the word "Natural" next to it. Underneath it is stamped "Imported Briar". I was never able to find out what company might have manufactured it and just wrote it off as another basket pipe.
Then I bought the pipe pictured below with the same markings and became more curious. Google results yielded a Whitehall pipe withe Natural stamped underneath, but it's not the same quality as the two I have. It arrived with a 40's or 50s era Marxman, if that is a clue. (Both of them are very nice pipes)
Any information is appreciated. If anyone else has one I'd be interested in seeing pictures.
Then I bought the pipe pictured below with the same markings and became more curious. Google results yielded a Whitehall pipe withe Natural stamped underneath, but it's not the same quality as the two I have. It arrived with a 40's or 50s era Marxman, if that is a clue. (Both of them are very nice pipes)
Any information is appreciated. If anyone else has one I'd be interested in seeing pictures.