Some years ago, I realized that I am going to die.
Shouldn't have been a surprise, since it's happened to so many people already, but it was. Logically and calmly, I told myself that someday, my life functions will cease and my body will rot away.
I'm going to die. To be dead. No more fun, no more love, no more chili and hot tamales. Man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets. Something will come next, I believe, but exactly what I'm not sure.
Until that day, however, I am a free man. I have rights as a free man that kings and governments cannot take away. They may pass a law, but my rights are inalienable. No matter what the majority may rule, my rights still exist, and I may still exercise them. As a free man.
Until that day, I will exercise them. There are a lot of things they may do to me, but I will still (among other things!) enjoy my pipe in the place of my choosing. If that shortens my life, so be it, for I have realized that I am going to die. No amount of careful living will stop it, no amount of government will postpone it.
I will do as I choose. I am a free man.
(However, my rights as a free man do not entitle me to break rules in someone else's space. I tried very hard to be apolitical, but if this doesn't meet the standard, delete it and accept my apology.)