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Dec 15, 2012
Austin, Texas
Good Day and allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Sid Grief and I chose the username of Las Raaf which is Arabic for "head spin", the feeling you get from smoking strong tobacco. I'm pretty much a world traveler with a background in international business and retailing. I always enjoy finding new tobaccos and pipes during my travels and sharing my experiences with others.
As I am approaching retirement, I am shifting my focus to tobacco and pipe manufacturing and retailing. I am here to share, network and learn from the best.
I'll share a poem:
A glass is good, and a lass is good,

And a pipe to smoke in cold weather;

The world is good, and the people are good,

And we're all good fellows together.

John O'Keefe: Sprigs of Laurel



Dec 15, 2012
Good evening all. I have been lurking around the forum for a couple of days now and finally decided to join. Hmmm...little bit about myself is in order I suppose. I have been smoking pipes off and on for about 22 years, started smoking night watchman from the Boston Stoker in Fairborn,OH. So anyway I was given recently some old pipes a friend had and in trying to value and date them found this site and as you all seem to be a great bunch thought I'd join .



Dec 16, 2012
Good day all! I am still fairly new to the world pipe, having only smoked a pipe for only about 3 years once a fortnight or so, but now I reach for the briar every couple of days. As I sit here joining, I am smoking a bowl of Gawith & Hoggarth Rum Twist with a glass of 12 year old Chivas Regal. Bliss.



Dec 16, 2012
Hi all, been a smoker since 7 years old started on grandads pipe when he wasn't looking to pinching cigarettes off my dad,smoked hand rolled until 2007 started having the occasional bowl (Well attempting to :lol:). recently inherited my fathers pipes and trying to pack in the ciggies and pipe smoke instead. Have found that there is a lot of learning with pipe smoking and am sticking to the one pipe (Dr Plumb Peacemaker #5)till I get it right :?. looking forward to meeting you all and learning about pipe smoking, 'cos Goddess knows I need help :rofl:



Nov 12, 2012
Howdy everyone, just started smoking a pipe about 2 months ago. I find it very enjoyable and relaxing. My favorite blend so far has got to be Rainy City Cigars Rainy City Reserve. It is a great aromatic just right for the cold winter evenings in the Pacific Northwest. I hope to learn a lot from you all as I search the site. Thanks for being a great group to learn from!



Dec 19, 2012
hello. im new to the pipe world. I have smoked cigarettes for years but im looking to take the next step to pipes. i know very little about it save what i have read in here. im trying to figure out what would be my best option for a briar at under 30.00. look forward to the new hobby.



Might Stick Around
Dec 7, 2012
Joined about a fortnight ago. Sorry for the delay in introducing myself.
Started smoking a pipe when I was fourteen. One day the cat found my pipes and tobacco, and that evening I got a long lecture from my mom about the evils of smoking, how it caused disease, a greater increase in venereal problems, social unrest, psychoses, stunted growth, .... the works. She huffed three Kent Filter Kings while giving the lecture. Then she handed me over to my dad, who lowered his newspaper, said "son, good pipe tobacco does NOT smell like a Turkish cat house; please smoke unflavoured mixtures." The newspaper went back up, and given that he had said "please smoke", I took that as approval to continue.
Currently fifty three years old. I've blathered quite a bit about tobacco on my own blog, which some of you may have had the misfortune of stumbling across. For which horrible experience I truly apologize.



Dec 18, 2012
I have been posting on a few threads but decided to stop by and properly introduce myself. I think I was around 12 or so the first time I snagged my dad's pipe and gave it a try. I bought my first pipe at 16. That was about 20 years ago.
I gave up my day job (for the most part) about a year ago and started working on my art full time. I sculpt, carve, and build mostly. I found these forums while looking for reviews on different blends to try and the search for information on carving my own pipes. I lurked quite a while and finally posted a couple of days ago.
I have so enjoyed reading and getting to know you all. I am pretty much an open book so feel free to engage me in conversation!



Might Stick Around
Dec 7, 2012
Hi Bluestar,
Nice to see a face that isn't covered with hair here. What tobaccos do you smoke?



Can't Leave
Aug 11, 2010
Not new, but I've been off the board for many months now, but trying to get back up to speed again! Because of being on sick leave from my diocese, I've been living with relatives until recently, and could not get regular pipe fixes. But now I have my own place again, and am enjoying this favorite hobby! Good to see y'all are still here and active!
-Fr. Ron Hatton



Might Stick Around
Dec 25, 2012
Hi all. Found my way to the site after stumbling across the pipe magazine radio show on my tune in radio app. Looking forward to posting to share things with others that have a common interest.
My interests include hanging out with my wife and family, hockey, bar b q & grilling, photography, astronomy, and smoking pipes of coarse. Look forward to chatting with you all.



Nov 26, 2012
Wow it has taken me a minute to introduce myself. I am very new to pipes and tobacco as a whole I truly enjoy smoking and hope to.find some great advice and folks to shoot the breeze with everyone.



Dec 26, 2012
Hey there Gents,Nick here. Last christmas a friend of mine let me sample some of his tobacco out of one his nording pipes,Needless to say it took me a year ( I move slow sometimes heh.)to decide to dive in,Picked up a kaywoodie saxon so I could learn some technique and proper smoking out of something that wouldnt break the bank.Honestly despite all the stuff people have to say bad about this pipe,Iv'e yet to have it give me a bad smoke (going on about 20 bowls now) or really any tongue bite unless I specifically use poor etiquette or technique i.e chiefing on it.Bascially im just here to make some friends with similar interests and to just shoot the breeze.Also I tend to like bold armotic blends from have ive had,Any you guys would give that 5 star you need to try it rating too?



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 26, 2012
Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I started smoking cigars when I was 18 but found that the smell of a cigar was offensive and as a result I wasn't able to partake as I'd like. However while on vacation in Gatlinburg Tn I stopped in a local smoke shop and they had a Pipe wall. Well after talking to the salesman I was out the door with a sort of mix between a Popeye and a Bing Crosby


But now I find that people actually enjoy the smell of the pipes and even find many of them to be Pretty.. So as it stands I a Briar and Fire guy..



Aug 4, 2012
Welcome all new members. Whatever the reasons are why you started smoking pipes, it is fair to say that this more than just smoking. It is a hobby that you can get caught up in by continuously searching for that perfect pipe or most wonderful tobacco where others enjoy being around you and you loving the smoking pleasure at the same time. Whatever the reasons you have for smoking a pipe, enjoy the experience of the hobby.
Welcome all!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 28, 2012
Welcome all this is a cool place to hang out. Im still a newbee here but learning lot and having good time. great peoples here.



Dec 26, 2012
Hello all. New to this site. Been piping off and on since 2002 and for some unexplicable reason have recently developed a renewed passion for it. This seems like a good spot to hang out.

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