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Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
Lets say I had a budget of $30;

1 MM Straight Diplomat or Country Gentleman Cob = $10 + 2 tins of fine tobacco

Budget of $50;

1 Dr Grabow around $25 + 2 tins of fine tobacco

Budget of $100;

1 Grabow, 2 MM cobs= $45 + 5 tins of good tobacco

Budget of $150;

One good quality Savinelli/Peterson/Stanwell pipe + 2 MM Cobs = $100 + 5 tins of baccy
This is just off the top of my head. The $100 budget is a good place to start, and this is assuming you order from somewhere like where you can pick your entire order from one place, and get free shipping with a $100 order



Part of the Furniture Now
May 15, 2010
free shipping for $90 order. i have done bidness with both of these, ( )and have never had a problem...



Might Stick Around
Jan 5, 2011
Welcome nabottle :clap:
Just remeber to take it slow. Dont rush the cake process. I made that mistake and soured my first pipe. :oops: Let it rest a day before you smoke again. Just about everyone else here has covered what I would have said.
As far as recomendations on tobacco go. Check out Greg Pease He makes some quality stuff and it's not expensive at all. If you want some reviews on it you can read some here. is my go to on-line retailer for tobacco. Their prices are good and their customer service is outstanding. :puffy:



Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
nabottle pm me if you are interested in this pipe


It is a handmade Italian Mauro Armelleni, and they are nice easy smokers. I bought a matched pair last year and have been saving this one for the right person. Its a nice step up from the Grabow for not much more, and for a lot less than a comparable pipe new. The pair was smoked once or twice before I bought it, and I have only smoked the other one. I have always seen these as awesome pipes for a new smoker to learn with, and thats pretty much who I've been saving it for.



Mar 9, 2010
I agree with Cortez! Also be sure to look into Peter Stokkebye tobaccos. Great stuff at very reasonable prices.



Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
Marriage isn't so bad, but its a lot harder to pick the right woman, than to pick the right pipe.

Pipes dont get jealous if you smoke 3 or 4 others in a day.

And, they're a lot easier to get rid of when you're tired of them.



Can't Leave
Apr 27, 2011
Thanks guys. As far as the marriage thing goes, I totally agree. That's one thing I do have experience with. I'm on nuber 4 right now. I'm guessing a lot of you are saying, "Is this guy an idiot or what?" Well, in that respect I may be. WOMEN! As far as the pipe and tobacco advice goes, THANK YOU. I'll be spending hours looking on line this evening. This seems to be a great community. I don't know any people in my area (Central Florida) that are into pipes, but I hope to find some.



Jan 13, 2011
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
"Is this guy an idiot or what?"

Nah, were all idiots - it comes with having testicles. Of course, thats better than the alternative (estro-insanity), which has been covered in great depth in several other threads. Sadly, out collective idiocy seems to lead us to find fellowship with the estro-insane...



Oct 20, 2010
When you smoke, go slower than you expect. If the pipe feels warm in your hand, slow down. If it gets cold, relight.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 18, 2011
Welcome. Seems you've got all the bases covered. I will just add that if/when you buy a pipe online, ask the seller if it will indeed pass the PIPE CLEANER TEST!



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
On the home page at Luxury Tobacco you'll see "Tobacco Categories" in the left hand column. Use it as a guide when you begin to sample all the different tobacco genres. It'll help you navigate the bewildering array of leaf and blend types available to the pipe smoker. I wish I had something like this when I first started.



Can't Leave
Apr 27, 2011
Thanks guys. I feel a lot more confident in starting pipe smoking than I did when I woke up this morning.



Mar 22, 2011
I realize I'm a little late to the party...
I've smoked a pipe for 23 years so I've formed some opinions, some are contrary to those already stated. I'm not looking for an argument, just stating a different view.
Cobs can be a cheap, satisfying smoke but I think they generally have cheap stems and impart an odd flavor that might put off a newbie.
I'm also not very partial to Dr. Grabows. They're generally of lesser quality and are often sealed with an airtight finish that prevents them from "breathing". You get what you pay for.
I think starting with a Peterson is a good idea. Also check out Bjarne, Brebbia, Stanwell, and Savinelli. All make excellent entry-level pipes.
As for tobacco, I disagree with whomever said that Burley has 'good flavor' or something to that effect. It's essentially flavorless (virtually no natural sugars) and high in nicotine. It's the primary ingredient in U.S. cigarette (along with shredded paper and lots and lots of chemicals).
On the other end of the spectrum is Virgina tobacco; high in natural sugar, which means lots of natural flavor. But be careful because sugar burns HOT, so take your time smoking Virginas. It also has little to no nicotine. I had a lengthy discussion about this with Per Jensen of Mac Baren tobacco a few years ago, and he assured me that straight Virginia tobacco has practically no nicotine and thus not addictive.
Armomatics is a catch-all term for Burley or Virngina (or a combination of each) with flavorings added either during the mix or sprayed on after. These flavorings are usually sugar-based, so they will burn even hotter. Most pipe smokers get their start smoking aromatics.
Personally I don't care for Carter Hall, Sir Walter Raleigh, Captain Black or other drug store varieties. They generally use low quality tobacco and load it up with sugar, humectants and other chemicals. I think the two best brands of tobacco produced in the U.S. are McClellands and Cornell & Diehl. They both use the highest quality tobaccos and have enough varieties that you should find something you like. I think Mac Baren and Stokkebye both make fine tobaccos as well.
So find a good tobacconist and tell him what you're looking for. He should set you up with enough different samples that you can make up your mind about what you like and what you don't.
Just take your time, pay attention to what YOU like and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
Especially me.



Might Stick Around
Apr 16, 2011
Louisiana, USA
Hey there! As a new pipe smoker myself, I have just a couple words that someone told me and it worked for me. Smoke a cob to see if you like it, and if it's something you think you'll stick with, invest in a good pipe. They smoke better. Now I deviated a bit and got a Bjarne basket pipe for about $20, but my second pipe was an $80 pipe, and I can really tell the difference in quality. When looking for a B&M, look for one with clear jars of tobacco, they often let you sample so you can get a taste of what you like before you buy. And enjoy the hobby. Remember, it's just a hobby. The packing, smoking, collecting, cleaning, it's all meant to go slow and take time. Enjoy your pipe to the fullest. Hope you enjoy your pipes as much as I've enjoyed mine!

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