Chris is a very nice guy and a great pipemaker- his handmade pipes are superb. He would be the first to tell you(he mentions it on his site)- he doesn't make the Cigar, Blackjack, or Bones- They are all factory made pipes produced in Italy.
If you want to have your own private label pipe produced, you pretty much have 3 choices- If it's a unique design like the Briar Cigar, you contract with the factory and they tool up to custom produce that for you- it's not cheap and you need a pretty significant production run .
If it's a fairly standard design like the Blackjack, you specify finishes and details to provide your own unique marketing branding, possibly pay for tooling for the frasing machines to produce some variations of existing designs, and you can sell at a reasonable price point.
The third choice is to buy factory pipes and put your name on them. Pipe shops have been doing this for years...
It's really difficult to make a living as a pipemaker, and to be successful, you better have a marketing plan and make money all the way up and down the line whether it's from high grades, marketing a production line of pipes,or selling T Shirts...
...and at the end of the day, the true test with any pipe is if you enjoy smoking it, you got a great deal...