New ABC News Article on Pipe Resurgence

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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Nice little article. Who gives a shit if it's a hipster thing or not? A lot of people tried out a pipe because they thought it was cool. Some find bliss, others move on. Don't pretend that looks and cool don't matter. If that were the case, all those pricey artisan makers would be whittling just for themselves.



Might Stick Around
May 4, 2014
I think it's been an underground hipster thing for a while. When I was in college during the mid '90s, there were several guys on my floor who would get together and smoke their Grabows and cherry blend frequently. They never smoked in public, however. Guess they didn't want to be viewed as odd. Young folks nowadays, me included, just don't care what others think :)



Feb 21, 2013
A $70K pipe. If I had the loot, I'd put it toward a good cause (I hope) or an automobile. I guess people get tired

of me sounding off about my forty dollar pipes at the other end of the spectrum, though some do smoke deliciously




Apr 5, 2014
Young folks nowadays, me included, just don't care what others think.
There have always been a select number of people from every generation who couldn't care less what anyone thought of them.



Jul 29, 2013
+1 portalhq. Totally agree, there are a lot of great beers, cigars, pipes/pipe tobaccos, great coffee and better small restaurants/diners. The divide of chains and grocery stores running things entirely is being closed. Living in Denver, CO I see a lot of this resurgence of small restaurants and diners with great food for decent prices, lots of craft breweries (my fiance's department, she is a craft beer nerd having worked in bars and breweries for years now), artisan pipes and blenders ... it is a new Golden Age of great stuff that isn't coming from a conglomerate or major corporation.
Screw these commentors, they are a bunch of statist tools who are more than happy to hide beneath the government's skirt and ask for protection from everyone else and demand the tax man and legislators take care of all the "bad things."

Mar 30, 2014
Nice post. I'm not sure if this is good or bad. If I see justin bieber with a pipe, I think I'd have to stop.

I hope it doesn't become "trendy". I like being the lone piper.

Mar 30, 2014
Nice post. I'm not sure if this is good or bad. If I see justin bieber with a pipe, I think I'd have to stop.

I hope it doesn't become "trendy". I like being the lone piper.



May 30, 2012
Reading this while sitting On the balcony of the condo I rented for the weekend, supposedly a smoke free complex. I asked the lady at the desk where we're the smoking areas. She stated in a quiet voice that I could smoke on the balcony. Puffing away.....funny there is a electric grill on every balcony. I smell smoke from the grills. Oh lawd.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 12, 2013
I never even heard of the word "hipster" until the last year. I smoke a pipe, and couldn't care a less what others think when I do. Would I ever wear skinny jeans? Not on your life :lol: , I will continue to wear boot cut jeans, kaki's, and suits. Being 32 and having the rest of society calling me a hipster, go ahead. Like danielplanview said if that happens I'm gonna stop.
I don't agree with all of the article but most of it was really great.



Might Stick Around
Jun 21, 2014
I have actually experienced the out and out hate that is directed at younger generations (mine is Gen-X). I started to go grey in my early thirties (man was that a while ago) and still remember sharply some random guy ranting at me in a grocery store, spittle flying and all, about how I was trying to look cool with grey sides. All I could manage was to look him in the eyes with a WTF look in my eyes. Granted, I was and still am baby-faced and full on red/brown on top (more and more grey there these days). I do get a giggle buying beer when I know I could be old enough to be the cashier's dad when they card me (and I still do get carded... ugh) :)
Anyways, having children old enough to drink makes me giggle at the current trends - not go all ape shit crazy. I wore bell bottoms in the 70's, parachute pants in the 80's, skinny ties, smoked clove cigs in HS... We all try to find our identity in our 20's. If just one of those hipsters realizes pipe smoking is actually quite enjoyable then that legacy will continue.
Just my two pesos.



Jan 21, 2014
Great article - thanks for sharing. I make the 'Golden Age' point every time someone engages me in conversation about my pipes. We don't seem to have the publicly vocal smoke-Nazis in the UK that apparently proliferate in parts of North America - although Mayor of London Boris Johnson appears to be allowing himself to be persuaded to ban smoking in parks in London. After >30 years with a pipe, I'm beyond caring what folk think and I'm lucky enough to have a wife and children who feel the same. I think it's fantastic that youngers are picking up our hobby and helping to drive the cause. Hipsters are something we don't really have either, so I'm unsure about the antipathy towards them, but if their joining in helps our cause, then all to the good!



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 4, 2014
Long before hipsters plundered what they consider to be non-mainstream, single-speed bikes were ridden, beards were grown and tweed was worn.

I even seem to remember drinking oyster stouts and heavily hopped beers in boozers that didn't supply Jenga while sitting at old school tables on rickety chairs.
I'm a newbie but my view is that if hipsters provide a vehicle that promotes piping, all well and good.
Besides it won't be long before they move on to hookahs or some such :)



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I'm aware of pipe smoking being a hipster thing since I started paying attention when I started this website in 2009. Michael Gladis mentioned it in the video interview I did with him back then.
Thanks for sharing the article, and I agree with what Philobeddoe said:
I don't care if you smoke a pipe because it's a cool affectation, because it gives you your nicotine fix or any other reason. If you are spending money at Tobacco shops, both B&M's and online, then you are helping to keep pipe smoking alive, period. We need to quit hating on the young "hipster" crowd and embrace them as simply pipe smokers, we are a minority within a minority and infighting and name calling will only serve to split us apart, thus helping the anti's remove tobacco all together, be it with taxes or regulations. I'll bet that if you each think back to when you were in your twenties, most of you did a lot more stupid shit, trying to be hip and cool, than the current "hipsters" penchant for beards, hoppy beer and our beloved pipes!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 12, 2012
OldRedDog said:
Long before hipsters plundered what they consider to be non-mainstream, single-speed bikes were ridden, beards were grown and tweed was worn.

I even seem to remember drinking oyster stouts and heavily hopped beers in boozers that didn't supply Jenga while sitting at old school tables on rickety chairs.
I built my first fixie in 2006

I have been collecting vinyl since 2003

I've been smoking pipes (on and off, mainly off...) since 2001
90% of the time someone sees me doing any of the above I get called a hipster and i get a comment on how its not rebellious anymore since the hipsters have made all of that mainstream. I HATE IT. Whenever the heck did I do any of these for the "rebellion" value??
Every time I hear some retarded 22 year old kid going on about how great vinyl sounds and how its superior to CDs while playing it with a 50$ turntable and a 25$ cartridge I feel like murdering people. They guy in question, specifically...

I don't get it kaboom, walk like a duck, look like a duck, quack like a duck, why not grasp your inner hipster and relish in it. You seem to hate something that is exactly like you.
I've only ever heard the term in the last year. Maybe I'm just old, but I wouldn't give a crap what someone calls me. And, I've been collecting vinyl since 1969, ha ha.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 8, 2012
So if someone wants to wear those black nylon birth control glasses we could not wait to get out of
. Acetate, not nylon. But I agree. As an optician, I love interesting, vintage inspired glasses. But every time someone comes in and orders a pair of black Ray Ban New Wayfarers, I think, "Well, you have no personality". I thought I had this hot 20-something college girl talked into a TORTOISE pair the other day. She called me back 10 minutes later and asked to switch to the black. Sigh.

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