Netflix Caves to the Truth Initiative

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2017


It makes me wonder if they will remove all movies and television shows that show smoking from their library.

Two movies that come to mind that have pipe smoking scenes in them

The Hateful-Eight and the Hobbit.



Might Stick Around
Jun 25, 2019
Niagara Falls
I don't think that violent tv shows, make youths violent, that's in the same vein as blaming video games, music, etc.
My favorite artist by far is Marilyn Manson (notice my signature) he was the most focused on supposed "influence" on the columbine shooters, until it was found out they didn't even like him, at all. I've played violent video games since I was about 8, I've watched porn since I was 11 and lied about my age on those websites for years, and I haven't become a rapist, a violent criminal, a mass shooter, or whatever else. I don't think teens are that much influenced by TV shows, they are much more influenced by their peers, who by my experiences in high school from 2009-2013, all of the smokers smoke cigarettes or marijuana, some probably vape in recent years too. I never saw one of my peers ever smoking a cigar or pipe.
I agree this truth initiative is just censorship, some people smoke in reality, while I would not recommend someone smoke marijuana or cigarettes, cigars and pipes in moderation, just like alcohol while not healthy for you, are not that big of a deal.
Reading the article the truth initiative studied people 15-24, well I am 24 and I am kind of insulted, insulted at the fact that they think I can be influenced to do something just by seeing it in some show. I've seen people do heroine, cocaine, LSD, and worse in movies and shows, and murder people, etc, and I've never done that and I won't do that.
TruthInitiave = a bunch of misguided do gooders.



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Nothing truthful about that so-called Truth Initiative.
The times we live in... what will be the name of this era?

It's the Age of the Godless Scoundrel.
Never got suckered into Netflix, little better than cable, but still a pile o' shit, alright. I'll stick to my DVDs and old games for entertainment.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 17, 2017
Maybe this will eventually convince more people to start reading serious books again & stop passively watching the boob tube.

Who knows
Everything on mass media pushes an agenda. They called them tv ‘programs’ for a reason.



Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
Maybe this will eventually convince more people to start reading serious books again & stop passively watching the boob tube.

Who knows
Hell. Reading comic books would be better than reading tweets. Except that all the good comic books have gone PC.



Feb 13, 2013
I’m with Duane on this one. Smoking is, in general terms, very unpopular. All sorts of money-making enterprises, particularly mass entertainment ones, do not want to be perceived as being anything close to pro-smoking. So much so, they will sign on to anti-smoking initiatives to be on the “right” side of the controversy. There’s WAY more money to be made (or far less to lose) pandering to the anti side of the fence. Netflix’s job is to make money, pure and simple, and they made an obviously rational business decision.

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