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Might Stick Around
Aug 16, 2012
I was out in my backyard earlier this evening and I heard my neighbor ask me(through the fence)if I was smoking cigarettes. I asked, "why"? He says he could smell cigarette smoke. I say, "nope, no cigarettes here". He then climbs up on top of the fence and says, "so you are smoking". I say, "Yeah, but I don't smoke cigarettes". He says, "same thing". He then climbs back down and I hear his sliding door slam shut.
I'm smoking Scotty's Blueberry Pancake which doesn't even come close to smelling like cigarette smoke.
Really? You going to tell me what I can and can't do in my own backyard!
Just wait until this weekend. I got 10 friends coming over and we are ALL pipe smokers. :lol:



Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 25, 2012
It's always good not to make enemies with neighbors. Also remember even if you think he's wrong he thinks he's right. With that said I wouldn't stop smoking on my front porch if the president himself asked me to!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 27, 2011
Wasilla, Alaska
Yet another reason why I moved to the country. If I want, I can smoke on my back porch...naked, and no one would know or care.



Can't Leave
Jan 19, 2012
So he invaded your space by climbing up onto a fence and peered into your private garden to basically check up on you which means he was also calling you a lair... Nice

Jul 15, 2011
Our apartment building has a laundry room smack in the middle. All the other inconsiderate a-holes always smoke cigs in the laundry room when they do their laundry, and every once in a while I will take my pipe in there when I do laundry. The other night, I had a bowl of MacBaren 7 Seas Red going in my Dr. Grabow while I was getting my last load of dry clothes out. The newlywed girl next door walked up to the laundry room to throw some clothes in the washer, saw me with my pipe, and she rolled her eyes and said, "Is that what I think it is?" which I assumed meant she was asking if I was smoking pot. I politely replied, "No ma'am, it is not." I went about gathering my clothes and cleaning out the lint trap, puffing on my pipe as I did so, and after another few seconds, she caught wind of the aroma of my pipe. She turned to me and said, "Seriously, what is that?" I replied, "It's a briar wood smoking pipe with Cherry flavored pipe tobacco." She scrunched her face in confusion and asked, "Do people really still do that?!" I just laughed and said, "Yup, indeed they do." She took another couple of sniffs and said, "It smells like candy in here." I just chuckled and went about my way. Not all neighbors are bad I guess.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
Every neighborhood has at least one. Don't let it bother you but you may want to plant something along your fence that requires manure for fertilizer.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
The fence surrounding my backyard is old and falling apart so I finally decided to build a new one. Unfortunately the fence is shared with the neighbors on my right, left and directly behind me. I went to each one to explain that OUR fence was falling apart and that if they could chip in I would do all the work building a new one. All of them stated that they didnt have the extra cash right now but they would get back to me when they did. Months went by, so I made the rounds and asked again. Same old excuses.
The fence by that point was literally falling down in sections so I said to hell with it and bought all the materials myself and went to work. All three neighbors watched me work three weekends in a row building this fence. You would think at least one of them would offer to help. Nope!
Oh well I thought. I bought the materials on my own and I cant force people to do something they don't want to do. I'm fine with that. But then, after all that work, the neighbor behind me calls me over to the fence. The section of fence I shared with him had about a 3 inch gap between the bottom and the ground. After he points this out to me he has the nerve to say: "My wife is getting a chihuahua in a couple of weeks. Your going to have to rebuild that section so there isnt a gap. Otherwise our dog is going to get out."
I couldn't speak. I mean it. I was literally speechless. I didn't say a word. I just turned and walked away, shaking my head. We havent spoken since. Its bad enough that they all got, essentially, a free fence. But then this f***ing jackoff has the nerve to complain about it?
Ugh...I just don't understand people sometimes...
Sorry. I realize this wasnt about smoking, but I saw the thread title and I had to vent. :x



Jul 27, 2012
@erdnase I used to smoke but I understand how some people can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke - it is pretty nasty. But pipe smoke is a totally different story. Some people are going to be judgmental on the issue of smoking no matter what - there's no reasoning with those types.
@juvat270 Wow - just - wow.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2012
Its a common happening. There is almost always at least 1 jerk (usually more) within a 1 block radius. Lord I don't know how pipe smoke could bother that much outside, unless your houses are 5 feet apart. If the problem gets worse, I would inform neighbor there is no law ( I hope) against your pipe smoking and he should really contact the International Smoke Patrol Organization (ISPO). Or...Invite him over for a drink. The 10 pipesmokin friends comin over this weekend should be interesting. Please report.. :wink:



May 11, 2012
remember no good deed ever goes unpunished!
instead of replacing the 'shared' fence I would have checked the codes and built youself a new fence on your property. with a beware of dog and no climbing on fence signs.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
My first house was purchased in Baton Rouge with a VA loan, they do a survey of the property, meanwhile my neighbor knocked on my door and pointed to his fence in backyard,said to me, you can"t build a garage because your overhang will be on my property , just starting out I had no money for a garage, took all I had to buy the house, I listened to him, out of respect for his age I said nothing, well when survey came in his fence was a foot on my property, I knocked on his door, showed him the survey and told him don" t worry I can"t build a garage even if I wanted, turned out he became a good neighbor, turns out he was the head electrician for LSU , got a lot of good electrical knowledge when I could remodel, sometimes sugar works, when it don"t JAMM EM. The old cajun



Apr 10, 2012
With some neighbors if its not one thing its another! Thats why I moved out of the city. I still have neighbors but I can only see 2 of them.



Jul 27, 2012
I listened to him, out of respect for his age I said nothing
Good on you Old Cajun. I sorta treat people like the way I treat dogs (follow me here...). Some come at you snarling for no reason, but if you keep your cool, most will calm down and if you're patient, you will have most eating right out of your hand.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I would politely explain to my neighbor that what I do in my own back yard as long as it is not breaking the law is none of his business. If he doesn't like the smell of your smoke, he can go back inside. Only a complete jag off would do what he did.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 28, 2009
Parker, CO
"I couldn't speak. I mean it. I was literally speechless. I didn't say a word. I just turned and walked away, shaking my head. We havent spoken since. Its bad enough that they all got, essentially, a free fence. But then this f***ing jackoff has the nerve to complain about it?"
There's a song on the newest Rush album "Clockwork Angels" that deals with people like your neighbor. It's titled "Wish them well".
Here's a verse: "Thank your stars your not that way, turn your back and walk away. Don't even pause to ask them why, turn around and say goodbye...And wish them well."
This is why I love this band. Neil Peart has an amazing ability to write lyrics that you can directly relate to your own life. How many times in our lives have we all met someone like your neighbor.
It's good advice. They're not worth you time. Just walk away, and wish them well.



Aug 14, 2011
You can't fix stupid.
+1 cacooper.
@ Erdnase

We're expecting pictures of this gathering of pipers!

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