please also provide suggestions about G. L. Pease: Gaslight & McClelland: Grand Orientals: Smyrna No. 1 50g . are they good for beginner smoker?
I am a GLP fanboy, but I hesitate to suggest these for a beginner. His Fog City blends are great for someone wanting to explore Virginias and their condimentals. Gaslight is rather overwhelming, even for those of us with experience. I have to be in the perfect mood for Gaslight.
McC's Smyrna... it's good, but I would think that having had some experience with Virginias and latakias, and even a few burleys would benefit someone stepping into these unique oriental blends by McC. But, they are good, worth a try.
Virginia Cream is not exactly an aromatic as one would expect an aromatic to be. Yes, try it, but don't expect to get a vanilla aromatic flavor.
A few non-aromatic blends that I would suggest to a beginner, not because they are exceptional blends that I adore, but because I think they'll give one a great foundation in different flavors.
C&D Briar Fox for a Virginia, burley blend
Any McClelland Virginia that you can get
John Cotton 1&2
MacBaren Old Dark Fired for a dark fired Kentucky and Virginia blend
Escudo for a peppery VaPer
GLP any Fog City selection
There are no perfect starter blends, but this at least will give you some subtle as well as not so subtle variations in flavors.
Have fun.