Still learning…. However, now that I’ve found my favorite tobacco blends (English and Perique blends), still trying different ones, but really enjoying the ones I’ve tried. Now I’m going to throw out a question about pipes and shapes. I’m noticing a difference in how my favorite tobacco’s pack, burn, and taste, in different pipes. I’ll start by saying that I have some relatively inexpensive pipes of different size and shape. My wife bought me a Nording Freehand and it seems to smoke great, no matter what I put in it. I’m ready to purchase a couple more pipes (better quality, but don’t want to break the bank). Can any of you recommend some good pipes that I might consider that will do justice to my favorite blends. On a side note… I’m finding that most all my pipes smoke Virginia forward blends pretty hot and I get a lot of tongue bite and an ashy taste. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!