Need Mild Tobacco without Burley

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Hi folks. No, unlike Elvis I haven't left the building. I have seen all of the posts and I'm sincerely grateful to each and every one of you for taking the time to respond.

I'm a retired airline pilot who owns an airplane and flies said airplane for enjoyment. Pilots are required to be medically certified to fly, regardless of private flying or commercial flying.

In April I was jogging and suffered a cardiac event. While not a heart attack (myocardial infarction) in the classic sense. they did have to go in and clear out a significant blockage. Since that point I have been through a pretty extensive journey - okay, it's really intense - to obtain medical recertification from the FAA. One of the mandates is absolutely no smoking, regardless of the fact that I do not inhale. There's an old airline expression: cooperate, graduate, and because flying my airplane is incredibly important to me I'm being a good boy and cooperating to hopefully graduate.

As I type this I have one of my pipes loaded with the Peretti Boylston in my mouth, but I don't dare light it. Won't even consider smoking until I get recertified to fly, and even then it will be only occasionally. For those of you familiar with submarines, hence the silent running routine from me

I hope that those who took the time to respond can understand how important flying my airplane is to me and will be a bit tolerant of different life priorities. Being alive and well is obviously job one for me (I'm fine; I'm exercising like a maniac and my stress test was, in the words of my cardiologist, "FANTASTIC!") but being able to fly my wife in our airplane is job two.

My thanks again to everyone who took the time to respond.
Best wishes for a safe and quick recovery!
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 2, 2021
Texas Hill Country
The Country Squire has some fine non-burley aromatics. Cherokee is a VaCav . If that’s too mild try Choctaw. If that’s too strong try Indian Outlaw (a blend of Cherokee and Choctaw).

All of these are on sale today.

i should mention that I’m also somewhat Burley-adverse. I don’t mind it in condimental amounts, but burley-centric blends give me an almost allergic reaction. FWIW, I’m quite tolerant of nicotine.
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