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Jan 8, 2013
I'm assuming you found an estate Castello at Peterson price. Although some Petersons can reach Castello prices (I saw a Peterson nearing 1000 dollars the other day 8O ) They are more known for their lower to mid cost pipes from 100 to 300 dollars. I love my Petersons of all price ranges, but have never smoked a Castello, however. Yet, I have never heard a bad thing said about a Castello.



Feb 21, 2013
Castellos average higher prices. They are generally revered. Petersons are well liked but in recent years have had mixed reviews because of quality control issues. I have six or eight Petersons and like mine well, but I don't dismiss others' complaints about theirs. Many Castellos sold in the U.S. strike me as somewhat heavy for their chamber capacity, but they are beautiful pipes -- I don't have one. Everything else being equal, including your enthusiasm for both pipes, think seriously about the Castello.



Jun 5, 2015
Yes, estate Castello vs new Peterson.

I need to learn more about Castello pipes.

Grades of Briar, mostly, is unknown to me.



Jun 5, 2015
This is the Peterson

Not sure about Castello yet




Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 27, 2017
Peterson's are a dime a dozen, a good priced handmade Castello is worth picking up.

Jan 8, 2013
I say get the one that is calling to you the most.
That really is what matters most. If it's briar quality or even production quality you're concerned about, the Castello (from what I understand) should be great. But also, those Peterson Silver Caps are among Peterson's higher grades not only because of the silver but because of the briar. Should be a winner.


Briar Baron

Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2016
As others have said, generally the Castello should be higher quality. That being said I have sent back a high grade Castello due to poor drilling.

Dec 28, 2015
I love my Petersons but hands down I would pick the Castello if it was a shape that I liked. The one Castello that I own is the best smoker I have. You can get a new Pete anytime.



Jul 16, 2012
I came back to pipes about 10 years back in a serious way, started buying more and better pipes and perfecting my technique... the one "game changer" pipe for me was a Peterson. I bought a bunch more Petes, and they all pretty much sucked. A high-grade Pete should be a real good pipe, but they are not especially fussy about the mechanics in their pipes - drilling is high in the mortise and could be absolutely anywhere in the bowl.
So I'd take the Pete if it really calls to you and if you can return it to the vendor if it looks wonky. It's probably a great pipe.
Castellos in my experience are excellent smokers and much less prone as a brand to the kind of inconsistency that Peterson is .. well a little know for now, hmm?
Briar quality will be fine in both pipes, that to me wouldn't be a factor. The other big factor is that a Castello will have an acrylic stem unless it's a very early pipe indeed, and I'd expect that pete to be ebonite (although they have gone to acrylic on a lot/all their pipes recently too, so I'm not so sure about that).



Can't Leave
Aug 3, 2017
ben88 - both brands can be excellent choices, but you're comparing ( or trying to ) apple and oranges. Grain not withstanding, no two Castello's are the same. Each one is slightly different, even looking at groups of the same shape. Looking at a group of Peterson's, they are all the same. Very little variation in the bowl "feel". IMHO each Castello is a jewel on it's own.
Before you select a Peterson, ask the vendor to check for fills. Even in the higher smooth grades. I have a gorgeous Sherlock Holmes on my site, and was surprised to find a 1/4" putty fill on the side. You will not find a fill in a Castello.
IMHO one of the best "bang's for your buck" on the estate market are higher end smooth Castello's. Most are selling for around 30% of the current SRP. For in the around $300.00 mark, and less you can find upper end Collection, Occhio Di Pernice's, and on occasion even a Fiammata. These are spectacular and one of a kind. Some might consider a Fiammata a collection center piece.
You may also find some new smooth Castello's on E-Bay, offered by sellers in Italy that are priced only a small percentage above the current US SRP.
All the above is of course only my opinion and I am in no way swayed by the fact I collect Castello's. ;)

Michael J. Glukler

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