I've also heard of people making their own snuff from pipe tobacco... I tried but couldn't get it fine enough in a regular coffee grinder, but I plan on picking up a burr grinder sometime, or maybe a mortar and pestle. I've got a tiny bit of the original 759, I bet that would make some incredible snuff. I've never tried latakia snuff before, but I figure with how hard it is to find it'd just be easier to make my own
I've got you covered on the Latakia snuff - Sir Walter Scott's Latakia Blend Snuff 15g, Sir Walter Scott's, Mr.Snuff Online - https://mrsnuff.com/walter-scotts-latakia-blend-snuff-p-3788.html
I'd be interested to try a pinch or two, but I don't want to commit to a whole tin since I'm not a big Lat fan. I wish they sold it in a 5g tin. SWS make great snuff though, and they seem to cater to the pipe and cigar fans.
All this snuff talk has me itching to put together another order. I really want to work on my pipe tobacco cellar, but the temptation is strong.