The temperature of the flame you use to light the pipe (matches vs butane vs naphtha) somehow affects the flavour of the smoke half an hour later.
I probably light/tamp/light more often than not, but not because it's a ritual - because it's needed. If it's not needed, I don't. Depends on how ornery my tobacco is being.Lighting a pipe, tamping and then relighting has always worked better for me than just lighting it and going, but that's my personal preference.
Haha! YES! ....and cobs are the best pipes my money can buy, because they're nearly the only pipes my money can buy!ps. Dunhill's are the best pipe money can buy and they should be priced 3 times as high as they are now because of how good they are. Anyone who does not think this is a neophyte. :nana:
...and it smoked cool, down to a fine white ash without having to relight and didn't impart any flavor or ghost?When I didn't have money for pipes I just loaded my four fingered fist and puffed from my thumb! lol