People who smoke a pipe are nicer, smarter, more sophisticated, more honest, better grounded, politer, dress better, have more money, are better looking, have fewer illnesses, live longer, are deeper thinkers, smell better, or in general are just better people.
Gee, Warren, thanks for all, the nice comments about me, though you forgot to mention my extreme modesty and humility.
The hobby is a mountain range of BS, and some of that makes it really fun and interesting, while other items are just BS (no, I'm not referencing Balkan Sobranie, though that would be apt as well...).
Some myths and plain old BS:
Tobaccos can age forever and just get better and better.
Any tobacco blend is head and shoulders above the rest.
All tobaccos must be cellared for years before they are good to smoke, or that cellaring will make hugely dramatic changes to the flavor. They will be different, but not unrecognizably so. I'm enjoying some 15 year old Escudo right now and it has a different flavor, but it still tastes like Escudo.
Dunhill is the best made pipe.
High end Danish pipes smoke better than anything else.
You have to spend at least $300 to get a decent pipe.
THE terrible "break-in" period.
Aros are for beginners, or droolers.
A dime's thickness of cake is necessary.
The whole charring light, tamping, true light ritual.
Never remove the stem when cleaning, the fit will be ruined.
100 year old, or older, briar offers a superior smoke.
Calculating the age of the briar includes how old the pipe is, ie: a 50 year old pipe made with 30 year old briar means that the briar is 80 years old. It's 30 year old briar regardless of the age of the pipe. Age is determined by the age of the root in the ground, nothing else.
Handmade pipes are superior to machine made pipes or vice versa.
Artisan made pipes are superior to factory made pipes or vice versa.
Straight grain pipes offer superior strength - they're actually structurally weaker - mixed grain is strongest.
Sandblasts are inferior to smooths.
Wide open draws are superior to traditional draws. or vice versa.
Brand names offer an ironclad guarantee of quality.
And so much more.