Now is the time to plant a news item in the local press:
"Dying AIDS/Herpes/Foot and Mouth/Tuberculosis/Hepatitis/Gingivitis/Halitosis patient has pipes stolen"
"But I am a forgiving man," said Shain "for whoever stole my precious pipes must have needed them so more than I did. Please, if you need them, keep them. But if you can find it in your heart to help a dying Halitosis victim, my vast and wealthy estate would thank you for returning them".
"Dying AIDS/Herpes/Foot and Mouth/Tuberculosis/Hepatitis/Gingivitis/Halitosis patient has pipes stolen"
"But I am a forgiving man," said Shain "for whoever stole my precious pipes must have needed them so more than I did. Please, if you need them, keep them. But if you can find it in your heart to help a dying Halitosis victim, my vast and wealthy estate would thank you for returning them".