Yesterday afternoon. Parked in the usual spot. 5 minutes after I got back home from work. I usually sit in the car and finish my bowl, but this time I didn't.
The black car plowed into the silver car which hit the green Passat that slid half a car's lenght into the Jeep in front ( 1 parking spot empty between the Jeep and the Passat ).
Ironic. It survived a coast-to-coast trip and the Alaska Highway and died outside the fence of Elmendorf AFB hit by someone who allegedly fell asleep at the wheel.
I have full coverage so no issues. It's a 2001 with 153 K miles so .... I think they will take it to the boneyard. I'm still in shock.
Going to break in the Savinelli Trevi which I wasn't going to smoke until my birthday Tuesday :puffpipe:

The black car plowed into the silver car which hit the green Passat that slid half a car's lenght into the Jeep in front ( 1 parking spot empty between the Jeep and the Passat ).
Ironic. It survived a coast-to-coast trip and the Alaska Highway and died outside the fence of Elmendorf AFB hit by someone who allegedly fell asleep at the wheel.
I have full coverage so no issues. It's a 2001 with 153 K miles so .... I think they will take it to the boneyard. I'm still in shock.
Going to break in the Savinelli Trevi which I wasn't going to smoke until my birthday Tuesday :puffpipe: