Now that's a proper pipe! Love the rustic sandblast. Very curious about those hallmarks. It's a bit hard to make them out.
One of my pipes is just slightly smaller at .60x1.15" It does surprisingly well with oriental blends. I find it tends to shift the emphasis to the upper end of the flavor spectrum bringing out the brighter, sharper notes.
It is a nickel band, and apparently these are just a marketing logo. From pipedia:
Peterson uses three marks on some of their pipes that are not silver hallmarks but are rather another Peterson logo. These marks are:
A Shamrock for the many shamrocks found in Ireland
A Prone Fox representing the famous fox hunts in Ireland's history, and
A Stone Tower for the many hundreds of stone towers spotted throughout Ireland
Again these are not genuine silver hallmarks.
I'm still digging around for when they used these fauxmarks.
@pipemonk- I have some warhorse plugs, bracken flake, 1792 flake, GH dark flake, and black twist xx open right now. I have Irish flake and jacknife plug unopened until I get some of my open stock cleared out.
Everything and anything ... I don't dedicate pipes. My 317 seems to like more finely-cut numbers like My Mixture 965 and Early Morning Pipe, though well-rubbed Orlik's Golden Sliced casts a nice little spell ... yeah, just about anything. (The larger 312s like chunkier McClellands.)
So I followed Orley with the virginia, tres virginias to be exact. 33% virginia, 33% red virginia, 33% stoved virgina, and 1% perique because the scale can't measure in hundredths
Very tastey!
I had a latakia forward blend tonight and it was sublime. I missed ophiuchus comment on the fine tobacco. I have some dunhill aperitif that is pretty fine. I will try that tomorrow. I suppose I could re-cut any blend to make it like a ribbon or even shag?