...As a female I feel the need to say "Ouch!" However... I will refrain, because we are all basically manipulative, selfish, and don't care about the male disposition. ((Penguin says I am broken, but the truth is I just have him fooled! buhahaha!))
I will say this though, you should definitely sit down and really talk it over (now that you guys are giving it another go). I was originally going to reiterate the fact that if $95 dollars made her up and split, then there was an underlying cause, but it seems like she told you that as well. You may want to do some research and present her with some of the studies that say Pipe smoking can actually help you live longer.
Perhaps use the shock and awe tactic that The Beau used with me when he first started buying pipes.... show her the $1000+ pipes that look like they belong in a frickin museum box... and then remind her that $95 is actually a damn good deal.((In a much nicer and sweeter way of course, cause tact is not my strong point))
There are far worse habits you could have than smoking pipes.
And, of course, promise to go to the doctors.
Hope it all works out for the best!