My Girlfriend Turned Into A Anti-Tobacco Nazi

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Can't Leave
Sep 8, 2010
Cleveland, OH
I was in a similar boat a while ago, my (now) ex would always complain about my habit, and I would make a point not to spend too much to keep her appeased. Needless to say, once I caved on that it sort of went in a downward spiral of stepping stool politics and one upsmanship. Who needs em anyways.
There are two things I can see here: One, if she was willing to flake off on a purchase of $95 there were probably underlying things going on in her head.
Two, you're young. There are more gals than guys in this world. At least one of 'em will be willing to put up with your pipe smokin. Not to mention at the college I go to, a lot of them like the smell of the aro's. Something about women and nice smelling pipes just sends 'em running.
Stay strong brother.



Feb 1, 2010
Turns out getting a newer model is an option! Count your blessings. Eventually, they will all turn against something you like. Its the way of the woman.



Mar 9, 2010
I am very fortunate since my wife fully supports my "hobby". She says it has never been easy getting gifts for me until now. :)



Can't Leave
Aug 31, 2010
Here is my advise when it comes to women.What you have to do is----whoops,forget it,I'm getting a headache already.



Can't Leave
Aug 4, 2010
Little Rock
Ernest, too funny. Take an Aleve and lay down for a while. Think happy thoughts.

Juni, my wife and I were talking about Christmas the other day and I told her to visit the pipe and tobacco shop and it will be over in just a few minutes. Now for her, different story. Looks like a trip to the mall.... :-(



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 22, 2010
I must agree with chuckw and a few others here...If she bailed over a pipe hobby, odds are its just an excuse.

Heres some advice i gave my sons about women....learn the word NEXT! and say it with authority!

A lifetime of ultimatums is no way to live!



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Oh man Tyler. That sucks, but it probably is a blessing in disguise. And it probably was just a convenient excuse too.
I'm not going to get started on women. My thoughts and experiences in this area would take an entire website.
As a matter of fact, I created this other site before existed:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 21, 2010
Tyler, you've received some excellent advise, thougths, and instructions from the guys in previous posts.
If smoking a pipe brings joy to your life, then time, friends, and new ladies will make this event an essential experiance to a happier future. Just imagine giving up something you really enjoy for a life with someone who doesn't respect you.
Celebrate by buying youself a NEW pipe and some tobacco you've really wanted to try.
All the best to you.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.

Very ballsy starting this discussion. After 27 years of marriage and 1 daughter in the mix I am convinced that the female genome contains an "improve the male" gene. They all believe that we are maliable and should become what their idealized male partner should be.

Before my wife developed COPD I smoked anywhere and everywhere. Since the health problem manifested itself I have taken to smoking outside in the warm months and in the garage during cold times.

My wife has come to understand that I'm not giving up my pipes and cigars but appreciates that I don't smoke around her. Marital Detente works for us. Of course, she also has come to terms with me never, ever going to see "chick movies", fondu parties, shopping in general, etc.

She's also learned to forward telephone calls to the pipe store when I'm not home.

Simply put, life is a two way street; just so happens that my lane is wider.

Good luck with the lady.



Can't Leave
Aug 28, 2010
South Devon, England
she will cost me than my hobby ever will
The definition of marriage is.... 'A penny bun costs you tuppence, and then some'!!!
On the local news last year there was a couple that were married for 70 years. The interviewer asked the old boy, what was his secret to a successful marriage. His answer was.... 'Yes Dear'.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 28, 2010
New Jersey
HAHAHA, I was told that by my Father also 10+ years ago. When in I am a lost for words I always answer yes dear then deny it later if the need arises.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 29, 2010
Sorry about your luck. My wife has the ability to tell what I spent my money on by looking at the bank statement, she says GOLF BEER TOBACCO. But she is joking she's ok and occasionally smokes with me. Hang in there it only gets better



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 22, 2010
We had a talk and I think we will patch things up. She explained though that given my family history of cancer, my mother died before she was 45 of pancreatic cancer, both my grandmothers had breast cancer and my sister has skin cancer, she is just worried I will get cancer as well. She is also more worried because I used to smoke cigarettes and now with the pipes she is worried again.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2009
Luck to ya young man. I sincerly hope it works out for you.
My mother and father smoked all their lives. Dad died at the age of 72 of an enlarged heart and Mother died at the age of 84 of arterial sclorsis (did I spell that right?) I'm a month short of 68 and my worst health related problem is tinitus. Too many loud noises in the late sixties and early seventies.



Can't Leave
Sep 8, 2010
Cleveland, OH
Also, as an afterthought, this is something my Dad used to say:
Women are like buses, if you miss one, another'll be around in 10 or 15 minutes or so.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 15, 2010
It's the nature of a woman to complain. I was a pipe smoker before I got married, she knew it, knew I was not going to quit, agreed it was ok... and bithes about it to this day.
About 10 years ago we decided to built a new home. I did not smoke in our house at the time, but now I saw my chance. I "negotiated" with the wife. She could have her dream kitchen, formal living room for tea with the girls, fancy new bedroom furniture, etc., etc, but I wanted my "Smoking Room", damn it! She agreed.
We built the house. My smoking room consists of one of the upstairs bedrooms. I designed it so that the house's central a/c does not go to it. The room has it's own dedicated a/c. and heat. It also has an exhause fan to suck the smoke out side. The only way any smoke smell can get into the house is when I go in and out the door of the room and that's nothing. Pretty cool, huh? You would think. Now, instead of complaining about the smoke smell in the house, she complains about it in my hair, cloths etc.
The bottom line is, we're men, they're women, we can't win....



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 22, 2010
The bottom line is, we're men, they're women, we can't win....
Very true. I have found that women are very manipulative as well. They know that as men we love to, well you know, with them and they love to find ways to use that as a bartering tool to get what they want or don't want haha. They also as you say like to find new things to complain about. You think for a second you outsmarted them and they find a loophole to complain about the same thing just in a different way.

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