Dobar Dan, prijatelj!
Pipes made from different wood are also smokable. sometimes you may find pipes made from walnut or cherry. here in bosnia they are not as heat resistant or good as bruyere but bruyere is harder to find in bosnia so alternatives had to be found. Also can you post a pic of the pipe that you described that had a ship engraving it sounds like it would look very cool. Also I love talking to you my friend if you have any other interests including balkan tobbaco or similar ask me as I may know. Also your name roskovski is very buetifal name its the first time ive also heard it. And which country are you from? I would assume the name roskovski to come from the former soviet Republic. Laku noć!
Dragi bosanski piper!
It is neat to write to you because I have been researching Hercegovački varieties since they were so special.
You asked me to post a photo of the pipe engraved with a ship. I got it at a market in Russia in the 2000's, and don't have it where I am staying, but I found a photo online of one that looks much like it.
The seller told me that the pipe that he sold me is not for smoking. I noticed that the bottom of the chamber or the inside of the shank were quite rustic looking, like tan chipped wood.
Recently the US online market got flooded with non-briar wood, especially made in China and with ebony, pear, rose or other wood. 20 years ago, I bought a briar pipe for $17-21. Two years ago, I was staying away from home, I didn't want to spend money on a briar pipe, so I bought an $8 Chinese-made non-briar wood pipe that did not say what kind of wood it used. I did not understand the importance of briar in a pipe.
I smoked my non-briar pipe for a year, and it had so many awful problems. It overheated like a chimney, gave me mouth ulcers (canker sores), the shank wouldn't stay in the stem, the shank whole was too narrow or else the overheating got too narrow, the wood type might have been toxic. Eventually I decided to get a new briar pipe. Nowadays I would generally avoid a non-briar wood pipe because of my past experience. In fact, I would rather smoke a very old heirloom briar pipe than smoke a non-briar wood pipe because of my experience.
I am aware that people smoke from other wood types, and I appreciate artisan's skill like yours in making pipes. So please don't take me wrong that I am dismissing of your skill. My mouth is sensitive, and my life experience has taught me to rely on briar like the Java factory pipe's instructions said. Mr. Brog's shop in Poland has pearwood pipes, and in WW2 the US tried to find non-briar wood that would be a good substitute.
Rakovsky is a Slavic name that is more common in Poland and Bulgaria. However, it's just a username that I chose decades ago because I was learning Russian as a fun hobby when the internet started catching on. My real name is much more American and boring, and I'm from the US.
Have you heard of Drina cigarettes? / Jeste li čuli za cigarete "Drina"?
Дрина је
босанскохерцеговачки бренд
цигарета, тренутно у власништву и производње
Фабрике дувана Сарајево.
[1] Бренд је добио име по ријеци
Дрини, која чини део међународне границе између
Србије и
Босне и Херцеговине.
Drina is a Bosnian brand of cigarettes, currently owned and produced by the Sarajevo Tobacco Factory.[1] The brand was named after the Drina River, which forms part of the international border between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
I am thinking that for Herzegovina leaf you would have to contact farms, stores, or markets in the Ljublinje region. (
Ljubinje · Bosnia and Herzegovina -
Your walks among special pipewood trees sound fun.
The main city of Herzegovina is Mostar. In the Russian article that I posted earlier, they talked about Ljublinje as if the author visited it, and she posted a photo of a very old tobacco factory there.
It would be exciting to travel to Sarajevo, then to Mostar, then to Ljublinje looking for Herzegovina Flor. A train goes from Sarajevo to Mostar, and a bus goes from Mostar to Stolac. But I imagine that a traveler would need a taxi or their own car to get to Ljublinje.
The Old Tobacco Factory is actually one of the special sights of the town!
Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
The region is special at a global level for tobacco connoisseurs!
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