My Fifth Pfizer Shot

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Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Interesting stereotype you've got there. I have a huge Amish community near me. Not only do they adhere to strange folk remedies, but they sell various tonics based on same and have a couple faith healers who accept donations for healing any English wanting help. And these are Old Order Amish, not the new order who carry cellphones, drive diesel tractors, and the like.

The local Amish also buy and drink coffee, as well as whiskey, although the latter is for when they're sick. And they have their own Amish dentist - I've never heard of an Amish seeing an English doctor or dentist, but I know of an old coot who insists on only seeing Amish healers and the dentist. They hire local hippie midwives for birthings. Could be the community near you is different than the community near me.

And then there's this guy, a local. If you look at the pictures, you will notice despite being Old Order, he had no qualms about running illegal electricity to his "project barn":

One of the local country grocer's still has a "Free Appleby" sticker outside. The local rumor is that the Amish are disavowing him because the operation was much bigger than what the law found.
The Amish settlement that was near where I grew up was and is more like you're describing. There were Old Order Amish that pretty much eschewed all association with the modern world and then varying degrees that were less conservative. These were generally called Mennonites. The more liberal Mennonites were no different than most everyone else.


Jul 21, 2020
The Amish settlement that was near where I grew up was and is more like you're describing. There were Old Order Amish that pretty much eschewed all association with the modern world and then varying degrees that were less conservative. These were generally called Mennonites. The more liberal Mennonites were no different than most everyone else.

I forgot you were from Indiana way. One of my friends is a midwife that has done a LOT of home births with the Amish and she said the local Amish here "trade" young people with a community in Indiana to add some diversity to the gene pool. Apparently, my local Amish had some issues with inbreeding and birth defects in the 60s and 70s, so they've gone to ensuring people aren't too related when they get married.

I didn’t know you could get that many or that that many was even necessary. Maybe they don’t work if you need that many in a two year timeframe?

Agreed. A lot of people I know who have gotten the shots have gotten bad cases of covid and almost invariably say "Imagine how much worse it would have been if I didn't get the shot." While I understand that logic, I also understand the logic that these shots may be useless and nothing more than a cash grab by Big Pharma and her government lackeys.

Me, I was coerced into getting a shot to save my job. I had severe side effects for 2 weeks, and then it all kind of melted away. I already told my boss if they think of requiring boosters, I'm retaining an attorney and we're going to court.
Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Agreed. A lot of people I know who have gotten the shots have gotten bad cases of covid and almost invariably say "Imagine how much worse it would have been if I didn't get the shot." While I understand that logic, I also understand the logic that these shots may be useless and nothing more than a cash grab by Big Pharma and her government lackeys.

How could that possibly be the case? Not trust the pharmaceutical companies and government? Say it isn't so.

Smoke Wagon

Can't Leave
Dec 3, 2022
Me, I was coerced into getting a shot to save my job. I had severe side effects for 2 weeks, and then it all kind of melted away. I already told my boss if they think of requiring boosters, I'm retaining an attorney and we're going to court.
The above reminds me mightily of the part of this affair I will never forget or forgive. Many were coerced into getting this shot to keep a job. Essentially, “We‘re not forcing anything on you. You just won’t be able to feed your family if you don’t capitulate”.

My family was and remains strongly against this coercion. We were prepared to leave everything behind if necessary. Luckily, reason was restored before it came to that for us. Principle matters much to my wife and me. I’m hoping my children observed and learned lessons that will help them later in life.


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
Interesting about the Amish, I'm smack dab in the center of the second largest Amish community and they, like the rest of us, are all different. Some have their shots, some don't. A fairly large amount of their elder population died of COVID. They almost all have cell phones, smoke or vape, have solar panels etc. They're just people like the rest of us, with a strict version of Christianity and some funny clothes.

I have my shots. The idea that its somehow "gene therapy" just speaks to people's unwillingness to actually learn how the vaccine functions. I support people's individual choices on whether or not they get the shots, but I don't support or entertain the willful and repeated misinformation and ignorance surrounding it.

As far as the dewormer goes, I trust actual scientists doing controlled testing than I do some Facebook link or YouTube video or article on some blog post that completely and deliberately misrepresent or misinterpret scientific studies, or report on "studies" that aren't scientifically viable. If you want to believe that stuff, that's on you. I think we should set up a tent outside of the hospital where the doctors and nurses just "do their own research" on the internet.


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I've had my first three shots of the four available to my age group in the Netherlands. Doubt I'll get the fourth one. I've had it once for sure, the second time the tests where inconclusive.

In some way I'm in the middle of the spectrum. Do I think it works and you should do it for yourself? Yes. Do I think a government should induce draconian rules like lockdowns, curfews, maskmandates, closing down facilities like bars and restaurants, but also gyms for unvaxed and use apps for digital tracking your "state of health" (as far as anyone with a cell phone can't be tracked) are acceptable? No. There has been invested a lot of money into this. The fact that most people on the ICU or deaths where either at their end of lifespan, overweight or having respitory issues anyway (not saying those people should not be helped by any means) was denied. The fact a more healthy lifestyle and government could help with that to do something basic like making fruits and vegetables free of VAT was denied. The fact there has been no large campaign to attract more Healthcare workers, while a lot of workers quit during the epidemic because they didn't get the basic needs like masks and gloves supplied was denied. The only thing what was said "get vaxed, wear your mask, stay inside and stfu" was the only communication you got.

This might all sound a bit salty and I must admit the last few years havent been much different for me than the others before as I'm typically living like a recluse while not working, but for those in society that where hit harder by the measures than covid itself I feel very sorry. I have smaller kids that where fine sitting at home during a lockdown, at that time my wife didn't have work so she could take care of the them while I worked, but for those who had issues with kids staying at home and having to work at the same time while daycares being closed and grandparents not available for obvious reason I feel sorry.
This is a very interesting post. You're very forthright in expressing your prejudices which make this all the more interesting. Lockdowns weren't done so much for your benefit as to try to keep the numbers of cases from overwhelming an unprepared healthcare system.

This is something that goes largely unmentioned, it's not useful for propaganda soundbites, and given that nobody seems to give a shit about doctors and nurses, it should come as no surprise that in the US, about 500,000 nurses left the profession in the last couple of years, worn out by a steady stream of abusive patients and workloads.

Speaking as one of those "end of life", overweight people more deserving, in your view, of getting snuffed out so you won't be inconvenienced, I apologize for continuing to breathe and to work for a living.
I've tried to retire over the past 4 years, but Warner Bros Animation keeps talking me out of it. Seems I have a level of talent they need and can't easily replace, at least, that's what they keep telling me.

Meantime, I'm mentoring and training people I see with the talent to carry on. This may surprise you, but a lot of older people have much to share that's useful, and might know more than you.

Early on in the pandemic some very popular political radio "personalities" were calling for seniors to take one for the team, be "economic patriots" by taking over jobs so that the young could hide out, much as they themselves do in their parents' basements. "C'mon grandma! Grab your walker and help haul out these corpses!!"

At least you're honest about it.

But I do wonder how much of this would play out if this virus had acted like the 1918 Kansas Flu, which killed tens of millions worldwide and essentially targeted the young and left the elderly to bury their children and grandchildren. Think you would feel the same way about it?

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
No shots here or for my family. Live and let live is how I see it. None of us have had covid also
I was researching online, and although my wife and I have never tested positive there’s a 94% chance we’ve had Covid and didn’t know it.

An estimated 94% of people in the U.S. have been infected with the COVID-19 virus at least once, according to according to a new paper from researchers at Harvard’s School of Public Health.

The big reason for the surprising surge? The omicron variant’s record-shattering case rates early this year and middling booster rates that fell short of what experts had hoped to see.

While that’s far from good news, there is a silver lining: As of early November, the percentage of people with some protection from new infections and severe disease is “substantially higher than in December 2021,” according to the authors.


Even so, about 400 souls die each day of Covid in December 2022, the vast majority either not fully vaccinated or with extensive pre existing health conditions, like my lawyer friend with a lung transplant.

Test positivity12%+10%
In I.C.U.s4,6991+15%

When I was a boy I was always sort of afraid to go inside of a beer joint, because I knew better, and the Lord knew I was in there, and He might decide to fetch me home to Judgement while I was in a most embarrassing place, you know?

The Amish are like the Campbellites, in that we think heaven awaits only those, who watch their record.

I do about a hundred things an hour, that would endanger my Amish friend on Judgement Day, if he did them.

But getting our shots, is not hard at all.

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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Interesting stereotype you've got there. I have a huge Amish community near me. Not only do they adhere to strange folk remedies, but they sell various tonics based on same and have a couple faith healers who accept donations for healing any English wanting help. And these are Old Order Amish, not the new order who carry cellphones, drive diesel tractors, and the like.

The local Amish also buy and drink coffee, as well as whiskey, although the latter is for when they're sick. And they have their own Amish dentist - I've never heard of an Amish seeing an English doctor or dentist, but I know of an old coot who insists on only seeing Amish healers and the dentist. They hire local hippie midwives for birthings. Could be the community near you is different than the community near me.

And then there's this guy, a local. If you look at the pictures, you will notice despite being Old Order, he had no qualms about running illegal electricity to his "project barn":

One of the local country grocer's still has a "Free Appleby" sticker outside. The local rumor is that the Amish are disavowing him because the operation was much bigger than what the law found.
Boys will be boys.


Jul 21, 2020
The above reminds me mightily of the part of this affair I will never forget or forgive. Many were coerced into getting this shot to keep a job. Essentially, “We‘re not forcing anything on you. You just won’t be able to feed your family if you don’t capitulate”.

Agreed. The head of the CDC said the shots would prevent transmission and had to walk that back when that turned out to be false. They said the shot would prevent hospitalizations, but had to walk that back when hospitals started reporting more vaccinated patients than unvaccinated. Hell, they had to change the official legal definition of "vaccine" just to get away with what they did.

We already knew media and government were run by parasites, but when we needed them to deliver useful information in a fluid situation, they just used it to forward agendas and line their pockets. Never again. We've taught our children quite a few lessons based on that.

Servant King

Geriatric Millennial
Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
I can't believe this thread is still alive. I guess I'm a lousy prophet after all...

I wonder when it was decided that science and groupthink are synonyms. I must've been out of town that week.

I'm reminded of a Gandhi quote right about now: "An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error just because nobody sees it."

What's the maximum number of quotes one can have in their signature line here without seeming uncouth? 🤔


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Agreed. The head of the CDC said the shots would prevent transmission and had to walk that back when that turned out to be false. They said the shot would prevent hospitalizations, but had to walk that back when hospitals started reporting more vaccinated patients than unvaccinated. Hell, they had to change the official legal definition of "vaccine" just to get away with what they did.

We already knew media and government were run by parasites, but when we needed them to deliver useful information in a fluid situation, they just used it to forward agendas and line their pockets. Never again. We've taught our children quite a few lessons based on that.
If the head of the CDC said that, then he's a political idiot. No vaccine has that magic power, and no maker has ever claimed that it makes everyone totally immune. The first versions had a remarkably high rate of success against hospitalization and severe disease, but that was before Delta hit.

The rest of this construction makes sense only if you omit a salient point. Viral mutations. That's why the "theory" of "herd" immunity is total bullshit. It only works if there are no mutations. And the percentage of pathogens where that happens? Zero.

Vaccines work, as has been proven time and time again. But they're not a panacea, and what's needed is a different approach that targets the stable parts of the virus that do not mutate. That's the current pursuit. And even that will not be 100%. There is no 100%. You can kill yourself taking too much Tylenol, and that's an OTC. What's needed is a variety of treatments. Paxlovid is working for now, but may not work after a couple of turns of the mutation cycle.

When people stop trying to spin this stuff to satisfy their made up ideology of the moment we might find approaches that work.
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