Customer service in Europe is crap. When I walk into the Biergarten wearing my shorts, brightly colored t-shirt, and my basketball shoes, speaking loudly to everyone around me as we Americans tend to do, it’s perfectly reasonable for me to expect the staff to greet me with “guten tag, Herr American” and bring me a large Budweiser immediately, just like in America.
Just kidding of course

I do think there is a distinct difference in customer service between the US and Europe generally, and the anecdotes in this thread are pretty accurate reflections of that difference. However, the American “customer is always right” approach has its shortcomings too. Anyone who has ever worked in a service job knows it can be kind of humiliating to have to defer to an obnoxious aggressive customer when you really want to tell them to fuck off... which I’m pretty sure you can do in Europe.