Thanks gentlemen. I'm pleased with both the pipe and tobacco. I like both perique, and whiskey. It has not let me down. Pretty content with successfully completing another trip around the Sun as well
Ohhh, the pipe is a Nording Classic Rhodesian BTW. In case anyone wants to know. Forgot that part in my excitement... hope to add one of his freehands to my collection soon. Gotta stop spending money first...
Congrats!You can't go wrong with a Nording in my opinion.In my experience, from low cost Nordings to the highest graded, they're just fantastic! Happy birthday! Enjoy the heck out of it!
Erik Nording makes wonderful pipes. Good for you.
He goes on North American B&M tours once or twice a year and if he's ever nearby - say, 500 miles or so - that's a road trip well spent. He's one of our hobby's great characters and story tellers.
Pretty content with successfully completing another trip around the Sun as well :D