Windows 10 is stable, mostly. I have to use it for work activities and I don't really have too much trouble with it. The real time consumer is that it does take some time to turn off all the "helpful" items that Microsoft enables by default, so, you have both a secure and streamlined installation. The other problem is that under the hood, it's still Windows98. After all this time, Microsoft really could've done more for their users.
I will also jump on the Linux bandwagon. I have used it for a decade and, today, I truly believe it is a superior platform, in every way, when compared to Windows. As shanez pointed out Ubuntu is excellent, but, does require some "hands on" to get everything running, especially wireless networking. If you're thinking about taking the plunge, I would suggest giving Linux Mint a go. It is built on Ubuntu and is every bit as stable. Linux Mint was created to provide an easier path for first timers to get Linux installed and running. In this, it has no peer. Like all Linux, Linux Mint is free. You have nothing to lose, except your ties to Microsoft.
If you want to try Ubuntu on a good computer, you can order it as the default OS from Dell on quite a few of their offerings. If you're unhappy, you can buy a copy of Windows 10 and install it. No muss. No fuss.
Give it a try!