Ah, the dreaded pre-loaded software! It's not Windows 10 you are "pissed at" it's package included by the laptop manufacturer. So, yes there will be some time involved in hunting down those apps you do not want. Or, if they are paid for, register them and forget they are there.
Or, click on "This PC" icon, click on "uninstall or change program" and ... there you go! I think/hope. Just uninstall everything you prefer not to have on the machine.
I've never had a "black screen". Nor, quite frankly, heard of that issue. Again, probably a computer problem (a switch or a app conflict obviously) not an issue with the OS.
Pre-loaded apps are the reason I dislike buying a new laptop. Companies pay to have their apps pre-loaded hoping the owner will opt to use them and pay for the program. One of the reasons I prefer to build my desktops is I handpick the applications, load and check each for performance as I go along. Conflicts are quickly found and solved in this way. New laptops? It's muddle to get them performing as one likes.
All the above is anecdotal so, good luck Jay! You'll get 'er done!