Mouth Cancer and Health Risks

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Apr 22, 2013
I know there is probably a thread or forum on this, but as any pipe smoker, I am concerned with health risks attributed to it. Not a lot of research has been done on pipe smoking and mouth and or throat cancer, but it does worry me. I am 20 year old college student and smoke a pipe on a seldom bases, ranging from once a week to every other two or three weeks. Sometimes I'll smoke a little more often when it's not windy, so like every 2 or three days but that's not common. Anyways, as older pipe smokers I'm just curious if any of you have had any health problems or know anyone that has due to pipe smoking. I know the old saying "Everything with moderation", but even with moderation, is there still cases of cancer? I look forward to hearing your responses, and any verified medical data to back your claims would be most appreciated.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 11, 2012
Mrporter, every person's DNA is different. You might get thyroid cancer by smoking one bowl a month, by the age of 30 and die a painful death, or you might be one of the people who can smoke 10 bowls a day until they hit Methusalem's age and wonder what all the fuss about cancer those youngsters are talking about all the time.
People close to me who have worked out three times a weak, ate more healthy than a horde of weight-watcher chicks, and never touched alcohol or tobacco have died of cancer at the age of 50.
Only one thing is certain in this life: death will get us all. What you make of your life between now and your last breath is what truly counts. Stop worrying and start living - you can only live once after all.
I personally see no reason getting all worked up about eventualities. Just imagine: you are all off-balance because you stopped having relaxing smoke breaks, because you were too afraid of cancer, and in all your nervousness you forget looking to your left at a stop sign, some freak runs you over and your dead. All your abstinence will have been for nothing. Life is scary, period. You can't shelter from death, but you can live your life that you leave a lasting positive mark in the world, and live every day such that when you go to sleep, you have a smile on your face.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
You cannot let your life be dictated by fear, use common sense, 15 years ago Drs at MD Anderson told me to make my will , 2013 still here, live life fully, tell people close to you how you feel about them, be nice to people, it will make your life fuller, believe me.



May 17, 2011
Northern New Jersey
I've been smoking a pipe for 30 yrs. now. Five to ten bowls a day of nothing but the best. For the past seven yrs. I've been power walking 6 miles every other day. My blood work is off the charts. At 53 I've never felt better. My smoking lounge is covered with photos of famous pipe smokers of the 20rh Century, most of whom were in their mid- to late-80s at their passing, and most of whom smoked from dawn to dusk. Wiki Pablo Casals for example. I'm a firm believer in the data that indicates that pipe smokers live on average two yrs. longer than non-smokers. In my world, God himself smokes a pipe.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 26, 2013
Cajun, could you personally go around the world telling this to people face to face? Like, all of them? o)
You can never lead a risk free life, and it would be hollow and cold if you could. Take care of yourself in the bigger picture so you may choose to indulge if it gives you pleasure.



Jul 30, 2012
Junkie, Don't ask Cajun stupid questions about traveling around the world spreading his stuff, he has/was around the world fighting wars that allow you to post your response. Learn some repect for those that did. All of us have to die from something & hopefully something healthy.



Jul 27, 2012
Welcome to the forum mrporter. Yours is a good question and you're right to look into it and question it. The thing is, from the research I've seen, pipe smokers have a minimal risk of mouth and throat cancers. Still, there's a risk.
But as others have pointed out, life itself is a risk. My grandfather smoked a pipe regularly all his life and died at the ripe old age of 92. He also ate fatty foods and never gained any weight or had any health issues. On the other hand, I knew a running fanatic years ago. Ran marathons and was the epitome of good health - and he died of a heart attack at the age of 26.
So I do think genetics plays a role. If cancer runs in your family, you might want to take extra care - maybe limiting yourself to a few bowls a week. Otherwise, everything in moderation is a rule I live by, so if you don't overdo it, I would say you should have no worries.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 2, 2013
+1 Old Cajun
From the day we are born we start dying. And worrying about it all, is just gonna put you in the accelerated program. Do what you enjoy, find out what you can do to help eleviate any ill side effects of doing what you love. I.E. brush your teeth if you smoke, work out if you like to eat junk food... wear a condom... But don't stop doing what you love out of fear or fear mongoring. This is a free country.. for now at least, take advantage of the liberties that you can afford that were afforded to you by so many. Happy Smoking



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 1, 2011
Junkie, Don't ask Cajun stupid questions about traveling around the world spreading his stuff, he has/was around the world fighting wars that allow you to post your response. Learn some repect for those that did.
That was totally uncalled for. Junkie was just paying him a compliment.



Feb 21, 2013
Sigmund Freud was a big pipe and cigar guy, and he died of throat cancer, as did General Grant. I hope I have my

history correct on those. My dad chain smoked mostly pipes, then for several years cigars, then back to pipes --

from age 12 to age 65. He died at 89 licensed to drive without glasses. People do have individual susceptibilities.

I'd suggest anyone take an active interest in their health. In moderation, tobacco pipes seem to provide a relaxation

and encouragement to sociability that might balance some exposure to tars and benzo-a-pyrene generated by

burning anything. If you're not comfortable smoking a pipe, don't. The anxiety will do you harm, if the smoke

doesn't. Otherwise, enjoy in moderation and take good care of your health -- healthy diet, monitor blood pressure,

weight, and blood sugar, regular medical checks, etc. The most dangerous thing any of us do on a daily basis is

drive, so do that intelligently and with care.



Jun 13, 2012
You cannot let your life be dictated by fear, use common sense, 15 years ago Drs at MD Anderson told me to make my will , 2013 still here, live life fully, tell people close to you how you feel about them, be nice to people, it will make your life fuller, believe me.
Well said Bradley. :clap:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 19, 2012
I am the same age as you, and these same thoughts play on my mind every now and then. However, there are stories of people who contract oral/throat cancers without ever touching alcohol or tobacco, and I was reading the other day there has been an increase in the number of young people getting tongue cancer without any risk factors. Cancer does not seem to run in my family, and so I make an informed decision to smoke one or two bowls of tobacco a day while maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Green tea and black coffee are very good as they contain high amounts of anti oxidants and some studies have suggest they can prevent cancer. There is a risk in everything we do, and pipe smoking is a very enjoyable past time for me that I do not want to give up, so the best thing to do is enjoy it in moderation and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Alcohol can also cause these cancers and if you drink spirits while smoking at the same time risk goes up quite a lot, so best to avoid doing that.



Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
I've been smoking pipes for over 40 years.I'm almost 71 now.No ill effects so far.The odds give me 20 years or less left.I plan on smoking as many of them as I can.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 8, 2013
Hello Mr. Porter and welcome to the forums. As you already said, there ain't a lot of research done on pipe smoking. Like you, I started smoking a pipe at twenty while in college. That was a year ago. Like you, I was worried when I first started of all the risks, then it occurred to me that I could just as easily die tomorrow from any number of things or even in the next five minutes. I realized that abstaining from something that I love simply to possibly gain a few extra years was too costly. I realized the risks were minimal to the pleasure that the pipe affords me. Although there is not much research done specifically on pipes, as someone pointed out, many of the men who made the world what it is today smoked a pipe and lived well into their eighties. There are plenty of folks here that have smoked a pipe for decades and are in good health. Point being is that you have no idea when you are going to die or what from. Personally, I believe that all the benefits like stress relief I get from my pipes far outweigh the slight increases in oral or throat cancer that a pipe may or may not cause. That is just my two cents and advice on the matter. My fiance taught me this expression "Laissez les bons temps rouler" which means "let the good times roll". With that in mind, I very much enjoy a good pipe.



Sep 23, 2012
All i can say is i have been a pipe smoker since i was 16 years old ,i'm now 65 and still puffing.

i smoke my pippe when i want too and feel just fine. but in all those years i have never inhaled ,no need to. :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 26, 2013
Just to clarify, I was in fact COMPLETELY agreeing with Cajun's post. When people express sentiments like that you just have to smile that some one gets it. Moreso if you have the image in your brain of a clever old codger and a wee little puppy taveling door to door and telling people face to face to settle the hell down and try to be nicer. It just made me giggle. In point of fact, I believe Cajun's point is probably the best health advice i have heard on this thread. Cajun, thank you for your service to this country, and thank you for the points of view you share on here.
Done thread jacking. Sorry.

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