All of you make very valid points, and I agree with your claims that a life living with fear can be more dangerous than casually smoking a good bowl of tobacco. However, I feel that we need to be good stewards of our bodies, and balance out all areas of our lives. I think that most of the cause of cancer today lies in the foods that we eat and all the preservatives and chemicals that are put into our bodies, with a lack of wholesome home made food. Pipe smokers in history lived in a time before us when, and as many of you older gentlemen can affirm, food on the whole was typically in a purer state, that discussion however is entirely independent and does not belong on this site. Pipe smoking is just about the only thing my father and I share in common, and the rare times that we sit in the backyard under our towering redwood trees and have heart to heart talks whilst smoking our pipes, I think the small risk of pipe smoking is outweighed by the healthy relationship that I can maintain with my father. Keeping in mind, however, my grandfather is currently recovering from mouth cancer. He smoked a pipe for a while in his life, but only for about a few years. For the most part he hasn't smoked in decades. He is 83 years old and has had a couple surgeries and is doing great, but the surgery has caused him a severe handicap: due to the loss of feeling on one side of his mouth, and a skin graph, he can only eat finely pureed foods. This is a miserable life for him because a good meal was the highlight of his day. Now if this cancer was caused by pipe smoking or merely just genetics, I still consider the risks and make an informed choice every time I smoke a pipe, not out of fear, but with care as should all of us.