I hates them skeeters, but they sure love me! Best solutions for them involve eliminating their breeding habitats: standing water, muddy areas, old stumps & logs.
Second best is to get those areas sprayed. Around here, we have what is known as vector control, a local gov't agency that works similar to the mosquito abatement district when I lived in California. My father actually managed that district back in the early '50's. Anyway, their job is to inspect suspicious areas or any areas with complaints about those things, and spray when needed or stock bodies of water (pools, ponds, etc.) with what we call mosquito fish, who love to eat the hatching larvae. If you have such an agency, give 'em a call.
Third best solution is to either avoid the areas where they live (and they will fly a ways from their "homes"), or avoid being out when they feed (I think the Asian Tigers feed all day long).
Which brings us to #4, keeping them away from you. I've heard that the CO2 traps actually draw mosquitos from farther away than they might normally venture, but I have no firsthand knowledge. Option 4 includes the various surface applications, such as those with DEET (probably best repellent), such as "OFF", and the other suggestions.
Lastly, I've had some success with a good fan set up close and blowing directly on me and others; 'skeeters are poor flyers, and with their light bodies, have a hard time with strong winds/breezes.
Wishing you the best on your quest!