There it is, the new place I'll be sitting to enjoy my pipes. Cold as hell, but at least I'm with Shannen now! As the title of the thread suggests, my move to MN went off smoothly. Sat down Thursday night and had my first pipeful in the new place. Chilly, but still satisfying. As you can see, the landlord left out her Halloween decoration, so I even have a smoking buddy!
Pipe tobacco takes up most of the room in my little closet. The nightstand, filing cabinet, and that stack of boxes are all filled with chopped up leafy bits.
My collection of cobs sits on a metal box for now. I've got the Briars packed away for the moment, I really need to get a pipe rack for them!
So here's the deal: I'm bloody frozen and I don't know many people out here. If anyone near the Dinkytown area of Minneapolis has a warm place to meet up for a smoke, I'll bring a nice big bottle of beer and my special home blend. (Cattlebomb, extremely Perique heavy.) Get in touch!