The definitive set! They are gorgeous and the presentation is stunning. Great idea for a set.
As a Canadian I simply must acquire a Michael Parks pipe at some point! Heck, as a pipe lover I simply must acquire a Michael Parks pipe at some point!
I have looked at this thread often, I just love those pipes! So now there is no doubt in my mind that getting a Michael Parks pipe is on my Bucket List!
peck, you know you love me and missed me. lol
That is one incredible set buddy. His stem work looks fantastic, how comfortable are they in comparison to Rad, they look like they would be super comfy.
Not my type of style, but nonetheless still an amazing and beautiful set of pipes! You'll need them to smoke your 671+ pounds of tobacco that you have stored in your cellar. Check back in in about 65+ or so years from now when when your tobacco cellar begins to dwindle albeit I seriously doubt that you will ever reach that projected end. :wink:
Wow! Not only this thread, but also the others you've posted with the Parks Pipes are incredible! Those are some beautuful pipes, you must have such an incredible collection!