As I write this, I am enjoying a bowl of Lane BCA in a pipe that I broke in on Aromatics in 1981: an Edwards Algerian Briar, Skipper series bent billiard. It smokes as smooth as silk, gliding across my tongue in a monotone vanilla/whiskey sort of taste, mellowing out a distinct nuttiness in the background. If my first aromatic was like this, then I too would have been hooked on this stuff. Now, I love VaPer's, Virginias, and English blends of all sorts, but sometimes I want something a little less robust.
The first tobacco I ever tried was Middleton's Cherry Blend. After I recovered use of my tongue, a friend turned me on to Buccaneer, which I smoked exclusively for about 5 years, until I discovered Goedewaagen, which I have since discovered was McClelland Tastemaster. These were my go-to blends until I tasted Dunhill 965, which was in 2005. My biggest regret was not sampling everything else out there in the 23 years in between. But at least I loved my pipe and pipe smoking, and did my part to keep the faith.
I would never disparage someone for preferring Kool-Aid to Scotch, or hamburger to Kobi steak. Smoke what you like! I would be happy to join you.